Episode 39: "Sakura's Dizzy Fever Day" or "Under the Weather"

Jul 24, 2009 18:01

Introduction to the Experiment

Episode 38

Episode 39: Sakura's Dizzy Fever Day (Card Captor Sakura) or Under the Weather (Cardcaptors)

Sakura is dreaming about being in bed in a blood-red room, suffering from something. A figure with wings flies down next to her and puts their left hand (with a wedding ring) on her head. Sakura opens her eyes slightly before Kero wakes her up by announcing that it's morning. It is raining heavily outside. Sakura, however, doesn't look so good and Kero confirms she has a high fever. Kero suggests she stay home but she has something to do at school. The Japanese version has an additional scene where Sakura and Toya talk about how Sakura is sick but she doesn't want her father to know because he has some dig he really wants to do. This is followed by Sakura and Toya going to school with Yukito, who remarks that Sakura isn't her usual self. Both versions have Sakura eventually arrive at school and have Madison, Li, and Meilin comment that Sakura doesn't look good but she claims she's just tired. Unfortunately, during math class (they're learning how to calculate angles, by the way), Sakura nearly falls asleep and Ms. Mackenzie notes that Sakura has a fever and sends her to the front office/nurse's office (English/Japanese). The Japanese version then has a scene in the nurse's office where the nurse confirms Sakura's high fever and suggests that she go home. Sakura is concerned about the poster her group is working on but Tomoyo and eventually Meilin and Li tell that they'll manage. This is followed by a scene where Toya is outside and meets Ms. Mizuki, who apparently called him. She tells him that Sakura is sick and is getting ready to leave. As Ms. Mizuki turns to leave, Toya asks why she returned. She explains she has something to do. Both versions have a scene where Madison worries whether Sakura will make it home. Sakura tries and fails to prove she's fine before Tori shows up. Tori carries Sakura home and comments on the clouds. At home, Sakura is clearly suffering from her fever. In the Japanese version, the scene after this scene of suffering, is Toya and Yukito discussing how Ms. Mizuki is weird and how Toya can hear her voice. Toya explains that she can't hear her voice all the time, only today was different. Yukito guesses that it was because of Sakura. Toya looks annoyed. Both versions have Tori and Kero have a staredown as Tori takes Sakura's temperature and then goes to make her food. In the sky, the clouds swirl into a point and turn purple. Sakura senses a Clow Card and gets up to go see. When they look into the sky, Kero explains that it's the Cloud Card. Sakura nearly walks out of her window to go seal it but Kero stops her, first for being too sick and second because Tori will be there any minute and if she's not there, he's going to know. So, Sakura uses the Mirror Card to make a copy of herself. With the copy made, off she goes. After she goes off, the Mirror Card is in bed when Tori comes in. The Mirror Card behaves like Sakura but the audience can tell that Tori is a little confused but gives her some food anyway. Meanwhile, Sakura is still flying toward the swirly clouds. Kero guesses that the Cloud Card is at the center. Before she can get too close, the clouds attack her and she falls off her staff. Luckily, Li catches her with a Wind Spell and lowers her down. Meilin is with Li and she says that it's clear that Sakura's still sick. Li is angry at Sakura for coming out because she could've been hurt in her condition. Sakura explains that she had to come out because the Card has to be sealed. For some reason, this causes Li to blush before the clouds start to attack again. Back at home, the Mirror Card has eaten its fill of Sakura's dinner and Tori gets up to leave. The Mirror Card points out that he hasn't given her the medicine he brought up but he explains that she shouldn't take medicine when she's not sick. Tori then explains that he knows it's not Sakura and that he remembers the Mirror Card from before. The English version follows this with a flashback about the whole Tori helping the Mirror Card and Sakura sealing the Mirror Card. Both versions have Tori explain that he kind of knows what is going on with Sakura. The English version adds that not only does Sakura not realize he knows what she's up to but she also doesn't know he can "see into the Spirit World". He asks the Mirror Card to not tell Sakura that he knows. The Mirror Card agrees. Back to the Cloud Card and Li cuts it and casts a Fire Spell on it. This causes the Cloud Card to somewhat revert to a Clow Card picture form so it's up to Sakura to seal it. But Sakura is too weak so Meilin has to hold her up. She manages it and the Cloud Card goes to Li. Meilin is ecstatic but Li hands the Card over to Sakura. Even Kero is shocked but Li explains in one of two ways: the English version has him say that Sakura came out even though she was sick so she deserves the Card while the Japanese version has Li say that, well, all the Cards will be his anyway so she can hold that one for awhile. After this, Sakura gets back home and changes the guard with the Mirror Card, who says that she was glad for the experience. Sakura goes back to bed. Kero goes outside to Li and Meilin, who are waiting for news. He confirms that she's fine now and then says he's going to stay with Meilin (or both of them, in the Japanese version) since Tori will be there the whole time and Kero thinks he knows what's up. Meilin and Kero start arguing while Li stares up at Sakura's window in a worried fashion. Back to Sakura's dream of the blood-red room. She is still suffering and Tori realizes that her fever is very high now. He's about to call a doctor when their mother's ghost shows up. She was worried about her and, when she places her hand on Sakura's forehead, she apparently cures her fever. The Japanese version follows this with their father coming in. He had a feeling that something was up so he came back. Toya explains that Sakura had a fever but it's gone down. Their father remarks that it must have been difficult all by himself but Toya explains that he wasn't alone: their mother came to help. So, the next day, in both versions, Sakura is okay again and thanks her mother's picture. Tori asks her why and Sakura explains that she thinks that her mother helped her somehow.

Wanna see it?

Cardcaptors Episode 39: Part 1/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 39: Part 2/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 39: Part 3/3

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Card Captor Sakura Episode 39: Part 1/3


Card Captor Sakura Episode 39: Part 2/3


Card Captor Sakura Episode 39: Part 3/3


Oh my God, this episode is so bad. This episode is riddled with plot holes and plot elements that just made this episode so... argh, I have no words. It really didn't help that the whole "Sakura gets a fever and can't fight" plot is used in the manga but it's a. much later and b. there is no Card capture involved. So, here, at this point, it's just silly. Actually, to be fair, most of the episode is fine, it's just the ending that is so badly done. Just, argh. Why didn't they wait on this one? Actually, I'm a bit surprised how annoyed I am right now. On a happier note, I recently read volume 23 of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (Edit: I misremembered. This translator's note comes from volume 12 of Ceres: Celestial Legend) and there's a translator note about how, in America, a slight fever in even a baby is dismissed as nothing but, in Japan, fevers are full scale emergencies. I'm not entirely sure if that's a culture thing or just an anime thing but that thought ran though my mind this entire episode.

Card Tally

Sakura: Windy, Fly, Shadow, Watery, Rain, Wood, Jump, Illusion, Silence, Thunder, Sword, Flower, Shield, Power, Mist, Float, Erase, Glow, Move, Fight, Loop, Sleep, Song, Little, Mirror, Maze, Shot, Sweet, Big, Create, Change, Firey, Arrow, Snow, Voice, Lock, Cloud
Current number: 37

Li: Time, Storm, Return, Dash, Freeze
Current number: 5

Although both titles are pretty good, I prefer the English title. I like cheesy puns, what can I say?

The English version cuts out A LOT of this episode. This was not a good decision. There is nothing wrong or objectionable about any of the cut scenes. They're not even particularly boring. There are scenes with Yukito in them that don't involve Sakura being gushy or Toya and/or Li being gay. Even Tomoyo doesn't do anything censor-shocking this time around. This episode was pretty English-adaptation friendly so why all the massive cuts?

Especially since it caused a plot hole for me because I was wondering why Sakura's father didn't pick her up from school. The opening scene explaining that he would be away would have helped out (although that whole bit is its own plot hole but I'll get to that). And it created the ultimate sin of Cardcaptors: the extended Card Capture flashback.

To be honest, I actually started getting annoyed during the flashback. It went on way too long and made no sense. Who was having the flash back? Tori? The Mirror Card? Are they tag-teaming it? Why show the whole thing? As I was watching it, I thought "they must have cut a scene" and then thought, after it went on for so long, "the scenes that they cut better be absolutely horrendous or I'm going to be extremely upset". So, yeah, now I'm upset because I see no reason to cut any of those scenes. Not a single cut scene deserved it. Well, except maybe the whole "no, Mother helped me!" between Toya and his father bit. That was over the top but I would have lived with that scene.

Beyond the massive and unnecessary cuts, my next beef is with Li's reason for handing over the Card. I am going to talk about how absolutely mind-meltingly dumb that plot point is but I like to go over the English versus Japanese stuff first and then move on to across the board stuff later. So, in either version, I think it's dumb but I want to discuss how the stupidity varies.

In the Japanese version, Li claims that he's just giving it to her for now because he'll get them all later. Wow, huh, that's a change in attitude from the previous times he's either lost a Card to Sakura or won a Card (which was as recently as December). So, if it doesn't matter who gets what Card, then why bother fighting over them? Yes, I know, it's a lie, that his real reason is that he loves her, but still. And, by the way, this is the first time the whole "eventually one of us will get all the Cards" has been mentioned. I know this is true but, still, when did Li find this out? Why did this never occur to him or Kero for that matter before?

But the English version just has Li completely lose his Man Card as well as the Cloud Card. Let me get this straight: Li just hands over the Card because... he felt bad that she was sick? Yes, it's really admirable that she came out while sick but that's not a good reason to find over the keys to the family heirloom. Does he not remember why he's here? Look, I'm fine with him sympathizing and admiring her fortitude but he earned that Card, the same way he earned all of his other Cards. At least the Japanese version has Li have a 'tude about it but this is just plain wussy. He basically gave it to her because she made an effort. Look, I know he's a good kid at heart but this was a bit much to swallow.

While I'm here, I think we still have Rhys Huber doing Li still and he's awful in this episode. Everything is very stiff and like he is reading it off a card.

Two positive changes:

1. Alright, I assumed during the Mirror Card episode that Tori had forgotten all about the Mirror Card. But it's clear here that he remembers. I'll buy this change because it's perfectly reasonable that Tori was lying to Julian. He has lied before so I'll allow this.

2. I did like Tori bringing up the obvious fact that he has spiritual powers too. The delivery was a bit hammy but I liked at least that fact being mentioned.

Alright, on to the plot holes.

1. Okay, Fujitaka appeared to be a Egyptologist during the Time Card episode. So, I assume his specialty is digging up Egypt. That means if he wants to dig up Egypt, he has to go to Egypt. So, if the dig is scheduled to last a week and he leaves that day, how can he get back so soon just on a whim? Never mind the fact that the show seems to forget that Fujitaka has a job and can't just bail on a whim. Now, if Toya had called Fujitaka, I could buy him returning but not that very night. Now, if he isn't an Egyptologist, if he's digging up a Japanese site, he could do this but I'm still objecting to the "bailing on a feeling". Can't he just call the house to see if everyone's okay?

2. Why all the "Ms. Mizuki called Toya with her heart" nonsense? What was that all about? Couldn't she just use the school phones to get him? I know, then it wouldn't be all mysterious and mystical.

3. Why doesn't Kero point out that Sakura is trying to leave through her bedroom window that's on the second floor?!

4. It's fine that Toya realizes that the Mirror Card is not Sakura but why is he so calm about Sakura not being in her bed? He even wastes enough time to go through charade of feeding the Mirror Card! I mean, it's one thing to realize that a. your sister is doing magical stuff and b. the girl in the bed is the same "ghost" girl from before and it's quite another to do absolutely nothing about it. Sakura is very sick and should not be running around outside in that storm. I would have appreciated at least some freaking out from Toya about how Sakura is not in bed.

5. Okay, let's talk about Li handing over the Cloud Card. Yes, I understand that Li is crushing on Sakura. Look, he can doodle little hearts and write "Mr. Li Syaoran and Mrs. Li Sakura" over and over again in his notebook and blush so badly that blood comes out of his pores if Sakura so much as tilts her head a certain way, but I find very hard to believe him just handing over a Clow Card. Now, I'll admit, I'm really biased because Li is my favorite character and Sakura is not but this plot twist made shout "What the HELL?!" for about ten minutes after watching the English version. Don't get me wrong, I like this couple and Li crushing on Sakura is very cute, but this? No, just no. This doesn't make any sense with Li's character. Yes, he has been progressively declawed and defanged as time has passed but to stoop to this level? To have him just hand over a Clow Card because... just because it's Sakura and he should? I've already mentioned that both reasons are stupid so it doesn't matter why he does it. The fact remains that, either way, he does it. And it completely violates the point of his character. Li is in Japan/Canada/USA to capture those Clow Cards. Now, for manga Li, this gradual wussification made sense because he never had a chance to capture Cards but anime Li does have a chance. Why is he suddenly giving up? And it's not like he's leveling the playing field or anything. Sakura has over 30 Cards now while he only has 5 Cards. Sakura is not going to miss the Cloud Card (which is a stupid Card, anyway. Doesn't Rain already do what this one does?) and Li certainly earned this one. I mean, can you imagine Li calling his scary mother and going, "Hello, Mother. Yes, I'm fine. I'm eating my vegetables, doing my homework, and brushing my teeth. Oh, the Clow Cards? Those family heirlooms you specifically sent me to a foreign land to get back for our family? Yeah, I managed to catch the Cloud Card but I gave it to Sakura because she was sick and she looked so dang cute all feverish and stuff. I thought you liked her? Um, Mother, what does 'disowned' mean?"

6. And how exactly does Li hand over the Card? I thought that Cards picked the owner. I was under the impression that the Clow Cards would make their decision and not budge? So, apparently, they can trade Cards? I guess that makes Sakura offering the Erase Card to Li make more sense.

7. Okay, how does Sakura's mother cure her fever? Because she's a ghost and ghosts can do that? Sorry, that bit made me crack up because I kept thinking, "She's healing her with her... ghostly... powers? Yeah, that makes sense?" And why does Toya know she's cured without checking her temperature again? He just trusts his mother's ghostly healing powers that much?

Even though this episode was bad in both versions, the English version did absolutely nothing to help remedy this situation so I judge these episodes to be...

Different, with the Japanese Card Captor Sakura being the superior!

Episode 40
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