All my fics are currently on Dreamwidth, not LiveJournal. But you can get there from here.
The neat thing about Dreamwidth (well, one of the many, many neat things): you don't need a DW account to read locked posts. All you need is an account on any OpenID-enabled site. Which means that, if you have LJ, you're all set.
Because a couple of people have been asking, here's How To Get At Erin's Locked Fics: the step-by-step version, with pictures.
Step One: Go to, the OpenID sign-in page.
Step Two: Type in your LJ username in the handy box:
Step Three: You'll be sent to a LiveJournal screen, asking if you're okay with being logged in on DW. Click one of the "Yes" buttons:
Step Four: You're logged in! Check that locked post again. If you can see it now, skip to step six.
Step Five: If you still can't see the post, stop by while logged in with your OpenID account. (In the following screenshot, you can see me signed in as Then click the "Subscribe" button:
Step Five And A Half: Sit back; relax; make yourself a pot of tea. I'll add you within the day.
Step Six: That's it! You now have full, unfettered access to my scary twisted darkfics (and shameless pornfics, and tragic deathfics) until the end of time. Congratulations. (...I think.)