Hey everyone, and congratulations on surviving another night! Welcome to Day 21. It's a free day, so take this time to rest and recuperate for the following month
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MERCHANT ASSUMPTIONSsponsorigamiNovember 28 2011, 18:28:53 UTC
LOOKING FOR: his two Katana Nano a pair of katana OFFERING: his only escape token and a four connected crane origami; he'll also offer the parasol he got for Halloween as part of his costume if it's not enough (and be sad about it because he thought it was neat but surviving is more important)
Okay that crane is p.cool LMAO the dealer would take it if it's offered with the escape token, but the token's more than plenty for some swords! Offering the parasol isn't necessary. :)
OFFERING: his only escape token and a four connected crane origami; he'll also offer the parasol he got for Halloween as part of his costume if it's not enough (and be sad about it because he thought it was neat but surviving is more important)
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