+ A P P L I C A T I O N +
p a p e r - w o r k
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Please stamp me as a [] male character [] female character [x] I don't care
Please consider characters from [x] the games only [] the entire Resident Evil universe (e.g. books, movies,..)
If this is a reapplication and you do not want to receive the same character again, please tell us who you were stamped as and why they don't match your personality.
b a s i c s
Name: Zombie
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Name three of your likes: Music, Drawing, Chinese Food.
And three of your dislikes: Being around people I don't know well, people who type like mentally-stunted 5-year-olds, black licorice.
Now three words to describe you: Eccentric, Antisocial, Creative.
Now count to three and while you're at it, make sure you've read the
community rules and voted on
all the unstamped applications available. Ready? Excellent! Moving on...
p e r s o n a l i t y
Strengths: Optimistic, Creative, Energetic
Weaknesses: Stubborn, Terrified of people, I panic easily.
Something unique about you: erm... I dunno... I add mushrooms to damn near everything I eat? XD
Are you more of a leader or a follower? I love to lead, but I hate having everyone's eyes solely on me... So, Leader, but I'd like to have a co-leader? :)
Would you consider yourself intelligent? Yeah, I think I'm pretty damn intelligent, just not book-smart.
Would you consider yourself brave? If I really HAD to be, I could. Like, if my baby sister was about to be attacked by zombies, I could save her, no problem. If it was just some person, I really doubt I could find that sort of courage.
Do others consider you intelligent? ...I really don't know O____o
...or brave? noooooo XD
t h i s - o r - t h a t
Pretend there is a 'why?' at the end of each of these.
Mature or Immature? Immature. I can be mature when I really need to, but for the most part, I'm immature as fuck XD
Confident or Insecure? Insecure. I'm always worried I won't be good enough...
Logical or Emotional? 100% Emotional. Ever since I was young, I've always thought more with my heart than my head.
Idealistic or Materialistic? Idealistic, I suppose.... Like, If I had 3 wishes, I would wish for world peace before I wished for a million dollars. (probably... :D)
Communicative or Reserved? I fail at human interaction. I'm awkward, I stutter, and even though I really try, I feel like my ideas and thoughts don't make sense to anyone else.
Hero or Villain? A villan. The world would be mine, and all that. Once I had the earth enslaved and I had all the money and stuff I wanted, I would try to make a good world for my minions to live in...
Light or Darkness? Darkness. I'll take cool and dark at ungodly-o-clock than hot and sunny in the middle of the day.
Friendly or Cold? I want to be friendly. I try to be friendly... but I'm so socially awkward and so nervous around groups of people that I come off as cold. :(
Stable or Unstable? what, like mental stability? Honestly, I wonder about the state of my mind sometimes...
s c e n a r i o s
You are stranded in Raccoon City and you can only carry three items around with you. What do you take and why? A FUCKING CHAINSAW (because it would totally be my weapon of choice against zombies.), First Aid Spray (duh), and a phone or something, so I could try to get help.
On second thought, let's strand you in a nicer place. How about a tropical island, 100% zombie free? Which three items would you take there and why? Wesker, an mp3 player with REALLY long battery life (because without music, i die.), a good few ounces of weed (because it's MY island paradise, and dammit, i wanna enjoy it while I'm high! XD), and something I could use to communicate with other people with (like a phone or computer. because even though i like being alone, i don't wanna go crazy from lack of human contact and befriend a coconut or something.)
Your friends find a large mansion in the woods. Curious you guys decide to check it out, but as you start to wander the hallways you encounter monsters beyond your wildest nightmares. As soon as you and your friends try to run back outside you're immediately assaulted by more grisly creatures. With your mobile phones conveniently gone dead there's no way to just call for help. What do you do? Have my knife ready, keep my guard up while i search for a gun, and try to avoid letting everyone see that i am scared out of my goddamn mind!
Umbrella Corporation gives you a job to do and in turn will reward you with quite a large amount of money. Do you take it? Yeah, I would. I might not like it, but if it pays well, I'll do it to make things easier for me and my fiance...
You see some creepy undead monsters chasing the person you hate the most: Do you save them? Nope. In fact, I'd probably stop and watch them get eaten :)
Overall, what do you prefer: knife, handgun, machine gun, shotgun, sniper rifle or rocket launcher? Shotgun. I'm pretty good with a rifle, though...
e x t r a
If you want to, post a picture or description of yourself: I'm trying to keep anonymous on this account, so I'd rather not...
By the way, which ONE Resident Evil character do you consider yourself least like and why? ...probably Wesker. As much as I love him, we're too different. I'm never just cruel for the sake of being cruel.
Any suggestions for the community? nah, seems to be working great just like it is~!
Anything else you'd like to say? Never use a flamethrower on zombies.