M A T C H M A K E R + T H E M E
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Name: SuWan
Age: 21
Gender: F
Would you like your match to be a male or a female character?Male
Do you prefer characters from the games, the movies or the books?GAMES ONLY
Describe yourself in...
...three adjectivesInteresting,prepared,kind[caring]
...three nounsActive, creativeness, liveliness
...three verbsFun, Protect, Moral
You’d rather want your partner to be...
optimistic or pessimistic:Optimistic, some pessimism is all right but if you are going to do nothing but whine and complain, I wont have much patience. I feel anyone is capable of doing anything if they truly want to and complaining gets you nowhere.
mature or immature: Mature, but have some playful immaturity is AWESOME~! because being serious too much is boring.
quiet or loud: Umm..at this, there is a midpoint because while yes it is awesome to have moments of silence, even silence can be deafening so, again being loud sometimes is never a bad thing.
rude or polite: Polite, though I do not mind witty sarcasm when appropriate X3.
violent or peaceful: Peaceful, he should only be violent when its absolutely necessary and that shouldn't happen often at all.
dominant or submissive: Dominating, I myself am a strong person so..Nothing like a Challenge hehehehe.
selfish or altruistic:I rather he be the sharing type, while yes it is all right to be selfish everyone now and then.
a leader or follower: A listener more so, He can have leadership alongside with me, and we can come to conclusions and so forth.
the hero or villain: Um...in a sense you need a hero to be a villain and you need a villain to be a hero so..with that said i do not know hahahah
doing lab work or field world:
Active duty rawr >:3
Name one quality in a man/woman that guarantees him/her your instant affection.
Their desire to help others and their cockiness that they can back up even with sarcasm Mmmm...X3 nothing like a man who can back himself up *coughDantecough*
Name one quality in a man/woman that guarantees him/her your instant rejection.
Self Pity and being over emotional. I myself again am i suppose strong or level headed rather and I can be a wall for anyone any time, but if I break down and I need someone to run to..sadly I do not want a man who will just turn and compare it into his own self pity =_= But hey I wont be sad anymore ill be annoyed. As well I can not stand someone putting themselves into a situation they know they can cure so easily but rather just wallow in the pity for attention. CAN NOT STAND IT!!! ....sorry @ @ done ranting.
Where are you most likely to meet each other for the first time?
Bumping into each other by a friend or through activities
Who makes the first move?
He might depending on how slow or fast he is, I observe first then act X3.
Fancy dinner time. Who ends up paying?
Well..I would want to pay half way but if it was given with good intentions for like a birthday or something as a gift I do not wish to insult them and allow them to pay.
Happy Birthday!! But wait, your partner forgot! What now, what now?
Lets go to a Bar and then go play some VIDEO GAMES!!! X3. oh and eat food and cake that we bought hahahah.
100% genuine Resident Evil scenarios
When the two of you are trapped in a monster-infested mansion, he/she will most likely…
Of course tense a bit but then they would think fast and find a solution or the most safe path to take, then we would both formulate a plan and break it up into a partnership deal and escape~! huzzah. and then I hug him and smile telling him it was a great first date X3.
You find out that your partner intends to betray his/her comrades/company. Do you support him/her? Try to talk him/her out of it? Tell his/her comrades/company? Do nothing? Or something else entirely?
I would talk him out of the idea and scold him for trying to betray his own group...unless they were the ones who turned suddenly and were formulating a plan to betray him and he caught note of it then id understand but other than that no betraying!
Your partner announces that he/she will fight injustice and take down Umbrella for good / restore Umbrella to its former glory and take over the world. Your opinion on this?To take Umbrella down for good? I'd be there to help out in the action. To restore Umbrella I'd slap him and tell him to stop taking whatever drug he is consuming....Unless its Wesker..then I'd drug him and tie him up u_u;' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa.....X3.
Your partner finally believes to have perfected his/her precious virus. However, he/she insists on testing it on himself/herself. In addition he/she needs to remain in cryogenic sleep for 15 years. What do you do?
Tell him to go pick a hobo off the side of the street because its not gonna happen.
Your partner is slightly obsessed with his/her pets. You know, ants, leeches, parasites - cute little things along those lines. Does this affect your relationship in any way? Maybe I don't know..Im not the jealous type and I grew up with giving animals a lot of attention, if anything, I'd be just like him in this scenario.
Your partner has been infected with the T-Virus. How do you react?
We better damn well go find us a vaccine!
You have been infected with the T-Virus. How do you expect your partner to react?
he might panic a bit but he would finally know what to do and get the vaccine.
In the end
Which Resident Evil character do you think you’re least compatible with and why?
Irving...He is so damn annoying..@~@ and maybe Carlos..for some reason i just don't like him, the guy is awesome to have as a friend and cool to hang out since he is kind but..i dont think I could fall for him.
And lastly, please pick a song or quote to describe your ideal relationship.