✑ 006;

Feb 02, 2011 20:11

[Filter: Private]

It's... pointless. I cannot go back to Elysium. I'm stuck here. I can't go back.

So here I am. Living with the brother who betrayed me, but is still my most cherished relative here. One sister dating the son of the man who effectively burned our city to the ground. Another brother in relations and living with the man who killed me.

And now he is here. I do not think that he knows me. It is for the best, I do not deserve his love anymore. How am I to cherish a new life when it is still so full of misery?

[Public Video]

[She had meant to end the entry at her own reverie, but accidentally turned on the video function.

The view makes it apparent that the computer is farther away from Polyxena as you can see her full body. She is on the roof of the building, seemingly unphased by the cold. She's wearing a peacoat, dress, tight and boots. She's sitting on the ledge, her legs swinging off the edge of the building.

Looking out at the cityscape she seems very deep in thought, she's still as a statue minus the wind blowing her hair around. After a while she looks back and realizes the computer is still on. She reaches forward and slams the laptop shut and the feed cuts off. Replies will be made at a later time.]

the trojans have issues, pensive princess, !hellenist, !ic, dreaming of elysium

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