So, you want to know what's going on inside my head, huh?
First of all, I've been drawing. I don't have easy access to a scanner anymore, so here are some horrible nighttime photographs with the contrast blown all to heck, and what have you, to demonstrate. :Ð
So, if I was a talented seamstress, the dolly world would be teeming with things like these;
They're dreadfully steampunk, but in the way that I would see it; clothes that can actually be worn while running around and swashbuckling etc.
And Beretta has a BOOOOYFRIEND. 8D
He technically doesn't exist at all, but we will see. I'll just try to. Er. MAKE HIM. *filled with ideas of grandeur*
These are my dolly plans as they exist at the moment. Most of the dolls are Unoas, there are some Naraes, and then there's a tan Yisol in there, although I'm not sure about her anymore. My interest has kind of sailed away from the kidling dolls at the far left, but a few weeks ago I was religiously obsessing about them. And the tall guy in the middle, as stated above, doesn't exist. IH superguy totally inspired him, and I'll have to recreate him somehow in the mature mini range. *boggle*
Further on the subject of creating dolls, I've been sketching out plans for dolls that I would like to own, but don't exist. Such as an adolescent in scale with mature minis;
She would be about 35-40 cm, really extremely slender and petite, with no bust. Sort of like a 12-14 year old.
Then I would like a shorter, softer and fleshier version of a girl beside my Unoas, sort of like a mini version of the Unoss.
40-41cm, a tiny little bit shorter and stockier, with bigger thighs and small breasts. But I would NEVER EVER consider ANYONE with a waist like that FAT. XP
At the moment, I can't afford proper paper-clay. I want to try LaDoll, Premier or plastiroc. I actually really like working in 3D, it's challenging in completely new ways! But non-airdry clays kind of bug me, because I'm not patient enough to be messing with the cookery, and usually I manage to burn everything anyway. D:
So, this is on the inside (and sometimes on the point of a pencil, when I can get my ideas onto paper)
I tossed my idea of becoming a commissionable customizer out the window, it's kind of difficult considering my location and about-average talent. I might have been able to get away with it a couple of years ago, but now there is such a LOT of competition, and such a LOT of SUPERTALENTED face-up artists that completely blow me out of the water, so I don't know. I'll either stop being a messy blusher hog, and start actually practising at doing face-ups perfectly, instead of just painting until I'm "meh" happy myself, or just keep on painting only my own and friends' dolls.
The most recent example is Alka;
She's had four face-ups in a very short while. I'm trying to improve it each time, and it's going up and down. :Þ But I'm happy with her. I can usually get the exact attitude I'm aiming for in each character. And the back-drop is an abstract painting by my Man. Impressive, isn't it! <3 (if anyone is interested, this is what my living room set-up looks like, after having very recently moved and not had a whole lot of time to unpack/decorate; )
I also repainted my B-el boy in view of his receiving a body shortly (finally!)
So, red hair, thick eyebrows, dagger-thin sideburns? I'll have a second helping please. *swoon*
Dollery aside, here's a pic of my restaurant.
I took care of most of the interior design (and we did all of it ourselves with help from awesome friends). At the moment I'm waitressing, overseeing everything that needs to be on paper (menus, translations, printing, business cards etc etc), and being a nag. DX My man can be so passive that sometimes I need to be horrible to him in order for him to get the defence-mechanisms going. :Þ
Zagzagael's most recent posts have been a great food for much needed thought, I've been so completely isolated in this hobby in the last few years that I've more or less become a complete lurker. I love the fact that people with such a lot of differences can come together and admire beautiful things, but sometimes it can get quite toasty when emotions / big amounts of money come into play. I would love to make more friends in the hobby, but something keeps me scared and on edge when it comes to human contact through the internet. I don't know if it's a general sense of distrust, or just disliking contact without actually looking someone in the eye? I also have problems with speaking to people on the phone.. Maybe it's just me?
Common guys! I'd love to blend in some more, what should we do? Swaps, lengthy *peaceful* discussions, pats on the back? Suggestions?