Profiles? :D

May 02, 2007 22:54

Hello, this is the voice of God :D

Not really, just an OOC post xD;

These are the in depth profiles of the boys that own this journal. Figured I should probably post this in case anyone wants to see? Probably not but, I'm gonna do it anyway.
In order of proportionate* oldest to youngest.

Name: Puru
Pronounced: Poo-roo
Nickname(s): Pu, Poohbear
Doll: Elf Elly Banji Boy
Gender: Male
Age: 14 (physically and mentally 2)
Height: 2'9"
Build: A bit skinny for a toddler
Birthday: August 11
Race: Sprite
Face-up: Dollmore default, touched up by Mana
Sexuality: None but he gets lots of little kid crushes on girly boys xD;;
Likes: Going fast, eating, biting things, climbing things, toys, ponies, bugs, eating bugs, roller skates, Mi
Dislikes: Being ignored, cold, the dark, being alone
Favorite color: Pink, lavender
Personality: EXTREMELY stubborn, clingy and whiny at times. But, he can also be extremely brave, almost stupid brave, for a little kid, and sensitive to the emotions and needs of those around him. When he feels like it. Only when he feels like it.
History: Puru was actually born a spider. Mi found him in the rain one night when he was a little kid and he thought Pu looked like he was shivering. So he named him Puru, the Japanese onomatopoeia for quivering. There, he lived a fairly good life as a pet spider. Until something in his tank fell on his legs, crippling them. He couldn't make it to the food and Mi just thought he was hiding. Pu eventually starved to death. He was devastated, not because he died but because he couldn't see Mi anymore. That is when Ayame, the Mother of many Earth spirits, took pity on him over his love of Mi. He gave him a second chance at life, this time as a sprite, which Pu took eagerly.
Little known fact: Pu can bite through just about anything, including spoons.
Family: Mi (big brother), Quinn (surrogate mother), Ayame (real mother), Zeek and Nik are Ayame's cousins, making Pu and the two of them indirectly related.

Name: Quincy Oliver Poe
Pronounced: Kwin-see Al-i-ver Poh
Nickname: Quinn
Doll: NS MNF Chiwoo
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 4'7"
Build: Extremely petite
Birthday: March 13
Race: Human
Face-up: Me xD
Sexuality: Asexual*
Likes: Reading, tea, classical music, poetry, writing, new books, old books, smelling like books, being fully clothed from head to toe, being alone
Dislikes: Sweets, loud noises, too many people, math, physical education, half naked people, people flirting with him, being dirty
Favorite color(s): Grey, black, shades of brown
Personality: Stubborn and slightly anal retentive. He smiles only for a few people, talks to only a few people and trusts even fewer people. He is quiet, soft spoken but when he does talk, his tongue is often times sharp.
History: Quinn was an orphan and alone most of his life. He grew up in an inner city orphanage where there wasn't nearly enough money to support all the children there. He was often sick as a child and because of this, the other kids blamed him for the orphanages poor financial state. He was abused severely. His self-esteem was next to nothing, which led him to anorexia. This, combine with his already poor health, stunted his growth at a young age. Despite all of this, he wanted to learn more than anything and worked hard to get into a private school. After problems there, he was sent to the United States to study for a while.
Little known fact: Quinn can't hold liquor for shit. One beer and he's gone.
Family: Zeek, Nik, Ammiel, Ayame (all complicated), Pu (informally adopted son), Schon (son), Destillat (fiance)

Name: Nikoli
Pronounced: Nee-ko-lai
Nickname: Nik
Doll: Lati Red L
Gender: Male
Age: 75 (appears in mid-twenties)
Height: 6'0"
Build: Buff
Birthday: December 24
Race: Guardian
Face-up: Latidoll
Sexuality: Omnisexual*
Personality: Trusting and a bit naive. Generally good natured and generous. Just all over a sweet heart.
Likes: Sunny days, flowers, kittens, puppies, romance novels, soap operas, chick flicks, baking, looking after the kids, shopping, spending time with loved ones, making others happy, happy endings
Dislikes: Being teased, seeing others sad, cold weather
Favorite color(s): Baby blue
History: He was created a Guardian (like a guardian angel) for a girl named Caroline. Zeek helped him learn many things about being a Guardian and was in many ways Nik's older brother. So much so that they consider themselves just that, brothers. As time passed, Nik realized what he felt for Caroline was not the typical paternal love, he was in love with her. He began to sneak visits to Earth to see her. One day, she noticed him and was completely stricken with how beautiful he was herself. They spent many days walking and talking and enjoying nature together, as it was something they both loved. Nik didn't tell her he was her Guardian for a long while but, when he did, she knew instantly she wanted to love no one else, because he was the one that had always looked out for her. Not long after the first time they made love, Nik met a man named Malachi. He used to be a Guardian as well. He told Nik that since he had made love with Caroline, he had broken the rules and would be destroyed. Not wanting to die, Nik ran away with the help of Ayame. After wandering for a while, he met Yuki and they immediately hit it off. Nik now is engaged to him and they have a house full of little ones.
Little known fact: Nik has a large scar on the back of his neck.
Family: Ayame (cousin), Zeek (cousin), Mi (cousin), Ammiel (cousin), Pu (indirectly related)

Name: Mitsuru Koizumi
Pronounced: Me-t-sue-roo Ko-ee-zoo-me
Nickname(s): Mi
Doll: DoC U
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Build: Lanky
Birthday: November 11
Race: Human
Face-up: SDink (picture to come)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Generally cheerful and energetic. He loves being around people and keeping peace and happiness among those people.
Likes: Soccer, baseball, basketball, running, eating, rock music, kids, cartoons, sweets, math, science
Dislikes: Seeing people upset, doing nothing, art class
Favorite color(s): All shades of purple
History: Mi was born in Japan but moved when he was very young because of his parents' work. From then on, he moved around every two years or so, living in almost every country in Europe. Because his parents were so busy, and not affectionate people to begin with, Mi acted up a lot when he was younger for their attention. When he met Marcus, his first love, his life was turned around. From a punk little brat, he turned into a model young man, or at least as close as you'd want him to be. Marcus died nearly 2 years into their relationship, solidifying the changes in Mi. He spent a good deal of his high school years in a private school in England. He left to study abroad in the United States, however, after a series of incidents with a shy young boy who would later be revealed as Quinn. He now lives with his fiance, Hyun-ki.
Little known fact: He is, for the most part, uke.
Family: Brother (Hiroki - no planned doll), Mother and Father (no dolls planned), Pu (informally adopted son), Zeek (uhh...complicated), the whole slew of family that comes with Hyun-ki

Name: Ezekial
Pronounced: Ee-zee-kee-el
Nickname(s): Zeek
Doll: IH Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 800 (appears late twenties/early thirties)
Height: 6'5"
Build: Muscular
Birthday: May 6
Race: Guardian
Face-up: Me
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Personality: Strong and down-to-earth, a real rock of an individual. He is both sweet and sensitive and a man's man, picture the male lead of a romance novel and that's about him
Likes: Working hard, crafts, being outdoors, taking care of his family, kids, cooking, baking, warm weather, spring time
Dislikes: Seeing others in pain, cold weather, being forced into drag
Favorite color(s): Green, brown
History: Zeek is Mi's Guardian. For much of his existence, he lived in the background, supporting Mi silently whenever he could. Because of a mix-up involving the souls of Mi and Quinn, Quinn lacked Guardian. This was a huge problem. In order to resolve it, Zeek needed to take care of the both of them. He could easier do this with a more hands on approach, so he created a body on Earth and took up residence with them. The longer he stayed on Earth, the more human he became. Mi insisted he get a place on his own, which he did and he lives there today with Pu.
Little known fact: Zeek was a virgin until he was 799 years old, which is sad considering his little brother lost his virginity at 30 (it is about the equivalent of being 30 and still a virgin).
Family: Ayame (cousin), Nik (little brother), Ammiel (son), Mi (complicated), Pu (indirectly related), Quinn (complicated)

Characters Mentioned (with doll forms planned):

(in no particular order)

Name: Ayame
Pronounced: Aa-yah-may
Nickname(s): Mother, Aya, Mommy
Doll: Dollkot HaRa
Gender: Both genders, both sexes
Age: Ageless
Height: 5'5"
Build: Curvy
Birthday: None
Race: God(dess)
Face-up: ???
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Personality: Flirtatious, spontaneous, outgoing, bubbly, yet with a strong sense of justice and a lack of fear in butting in to other people's problems to make them right
Likes: Flowers, trees, nature in general, sunlight, spring rain, bright lights of the city, shopping, fashion, snowflakes, hot baths
Dislikes: Cold weather, feeling left out or unwanted
Favorite color(s): Pink, yellow, green
History: Ayame has been around for...forever. He is the spirit responsible for all the plant and insect spirits of the world, although many others call him Mother since he is such a huge part of mostly every spirits existence. He has always been able to get what he wants. Then, he met a bright eyed young Guardian, nearly 800 years ago now, and fell immediately in love. He flirted and flirted but the Guardian returned his advances. No matter how he tried, he couldn't shake his love for him. And the older the Guardian got, the more in love Aya became. He grew from a naive boy to a strong and reliable man. When this Guardian went to Earth, Aya was heartbroken not being able to see him. So, waiting only a little bit, Aya followed.
Little known fact: Ayame is desperately afraid of being alone
Family: If you aren't related to him, you're weird

Name: Ammiel
Pronounced: Ah-mee-el
Nickname(s): Ami
Doll: CP Delf Miyu (boy)
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Height: 5'9"
Build: Slim yet curvy
Birthday: Unknown
Race: Guardian
Face-up: ???
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Personality: Relaxed, laid back, yet deeply intellectual and caring
Likes: New age cures, meditation, herbs, botany, massage, incense, bubble baths, silk, fruit, chocolate, music, painting, theater
Dislikes: Sterile environments, conventional order, cold weather
Favorite color: Red
History: Ammiel is the result of a project run by Ayame and Zeek after learning of Quinn being born without a Guardian. Ammiel is technically a "free-lance" guardian, meaning he works wherever he is needed. He wasn't so much born as he was created, through much research and long hours of work. Still, he calls Ayame 'Mother' and Zeek 'Father'.
Little known fact: Ammiel can't paint, play music, w/e sober...give him a little weed and he is brilliant at anything
Family: Aya, Zeek, Nik (cousins), Mi, Quinn(complicated), Pu (indirect)

Explanation of some words used:
- proportionate age Here, Nik is shown to be younger than Mi, when clearly he isn't. However, among Guardians, 300 is about the minimum to be considered a full mature person. Among humans, 25-ish is. Therefore, Mi is much closer to being fully matured than Nik.

- asexual: Quinn identifies asexual because this is the closest thing to his reality. Because of many things in his past, Quinn does not find most people - men, women, w/e - sexually attractive. He does have a few exceptions, just like a straight man might see one or two men in his life that he wouldn't mind having sex with. This is not saying, though, that asexuality is always the result of trauma and not a genuine sexuality. I can respect it as that, Quinn just happens to be one where it is the result of trauma.

- omnisexual: Again, I used this because there really is no better way to explain these characters sexualities. These characters are spirits first and bodies second. Because of this, that is what they are attracted to, spirits. Being so, they can see spirits of people, etc, as solid as anyone else would see a body. They don't look at the gender or sex of an individual, they look at their soul. So, I'm using 'omni' as their sexuality sort of transcends physical being...that probably doesn't make any sense xD;;


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