I call shenanigans

Nov 28, 2007 09:29

What the fuck?  I'm sick AGAIN.  Meaning in the last two weeks, I've had two days of work.  Fucking awesome.

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Comments 16

idreamofpeace68 November 29 2007, 03:51:58 UTC
Vitamin C, perhaps? Feel better in time for Christmas. I'm coming home for the first time since summer, and so we're hanging out...


resist_anywhere November 29 2007, 23:29:49 UTC
When are you coming home? I'd love to hang out, but on the 17th, I leave for Rome.


idreamofpeace68 November 30 2007, 02:04:52 UTC
How exciting! I'm very glad to hear you're going. I'll have to catch up with you after the trip though.


erolyn_ November 30 2007, 07:18:58 UTC
I'm going to live in Rome about a year from now. Tell me everything about it.


erolyn_ November 29 2007, 04:50:12 UTC
Sorry I missed you last week. Altho I would've been really pissed if you got me sick, so maybe it's better that we didn't see each other :-P

I promise, we will get together over winter break.


incendiary_dan November 29 2007, 04:56:42 UTC
Eat your garlic!


resist_anywhere November 29 2007, 23:31:13 UTC
Funny story about that. Yesterday I was feeling pretty badly, and I couldn't talk without going into coughing fits. I drank herbal tea, juice, water, ate some vitamins, took some olive leaf extract... none of that did ANYTHING.

Then, just on a whim, I ate a clove of garlic raw. Instantly, I felt much better. I ate another clove and I could speak just fine without coughing at all. Granted, my mouth burned like hell and my stomach hurt from all the garlic, but it was well worth it.


incendiary_dan November 30 2007, 04:09:05 UTC
Yea, garlic has a lot of great qualities, including boosting of immune system like crazy and anti-inflammatory.


idreamofpeace68 December 22 2007, 00:00:29 UTC
it's your bIRTHday i think. happy birthday. even though you might get this in a few weeks or months. have the time of your life there. i'm jealous as hell.


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