Funny story about that. Yesterday I was feeling pretty badly, and I couldn't talk without going into coughing fits. I drank herbal tea, juice, water, ate some vitamins, took some olive leaf extract... none of that did ANYTHING.
Then, just on a whim, I ate a clove of garlic raw. Instantly, I felt much better. I ate another clove and I could speak just fine without coughing at all. Granted, my mouth burned like hell and my stomach hurt from all the garlic, but it was well worth it.
it's your bIRTHday i think. happy birthday. even though you might get this in a few weeks or months. have the time of your life there. i'm jealous as hell.
Comments 16
I promise, we will get together over winter break.
Then, just on a whim, I ate a clove of garlic raw. Instantly, I felt much better. I ate another clove and I could speak just fine without coughing at all. Granted, my mouth burned like hell and my stomach hurt from all the garlic, but it was well worth it.
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