the girl your parents warned you about {application for reimsacademy,accepted}

May 16, 2011 17:54

( oc student application )

AGE: fourteen
CONTACT: email @ ; aim @ cryaddictivelies
PERSONAL LJ: pulselines

NAME: Alyss Rochefort
AGE: seventeen
GENDER: female
YEAR IN SCHOOL: HS2 / junior
ENROLLMENT: She got in on a scholarship for arts (modern visual arts, due to her photography).

APPEARANCE: Alyss is pretty. Not gorgeous, "oh hot damn" beautiful, but she has nice eyes and nice bone structure. She's maybe 5'6" height-wise. Often, she has headphones around her neck, and her camera bag slung over her shoulder. Her platinum blonde hair is usually just below her shoulders, with fringed bangs. When she's not in the school uniform, often she's wearing a shorter dress under a leather jacket. Even while wearing the uniform, she often sports a hoodie. Often times she has her bangs pinned back with bobby pins and the like but usually it hangs down in a bob-like shape.

She isn't exactly the most curvaceous, but she doesn't go up and down. Her chest is probably a B-36. She keeps in shape by running, mostly.

PERSONALITY: If there is anyone way to describe Alyss, she is wellguarded. If you don't know her, and the subject matter isn't something extremely important to her, she will show you the bare minimum of care. If it concerns someone she cares about, however, she will show what is necessary to show.

She can be blunt and extremely uncaring at times, as well as apathetic, but there's kindness she just doesn't quite know how to express lurking under her skin. Even so, she can be very sharp when something is done wrong. If you're family though, all is basically forgiven, unless you do something severely idiotic. In that case, she either laughs or loses her temper.

In a relationship, she can be extremely affectionate and loving, when she tries at least. But when she wants something, she wants something, and fully expects to acquire said something, be it affection, a drink or a kiss. Because of this, she can be very commanding and controlling at times. But when she doesn't want something, she simply just won't be interested. If she likes someone, she'll be rather open about it.

She doesn't often lose her temper, or at least she doesn't often show it. When she does, she just works off the anger by disappearing for a few hours. When she get average-angry, however, it's more expressed using seething glares and irritated hisses.

Even though she may come off as domineering, she's actually easy to work with underneath. This doesn't stop her from being cheeky and teasing, even if she ends up getting scolded. But even though she can be very submissive, she tries her hardest to not be. If you're gonna touch her though, you better well warn her somehow, because she dislikes being randomly touched. This is because, in the back of her mind, she's paranoid that people are on a mission of sorts to ruin her precious camera. She's the protector of it, of course, so if they break through her, it's done for. Of course, this is silly and she realizes that, partially, but she still prefers to be warned in some way before contact is made. If you bump into her on the street, she won't freak though, cause it's to be expected.

If there's one inanimate thing she's fiercely protective of, it's her camera, and she'll lash out if anyone even remotely holds or touches it wrong. And as for the animate, her family and her best friend, Yvonne. Hurt any of them and she takes violate photos of you and posts them everywhere. But overall, she's a nice enough person to be around, seeing as she won't be a purposeful bitch without a reason.

ABILITIES: Alyss is a skilled photographer, (an example being her getting a scholarship based off of it), and she's pretty tech-savvy as well, but not well enough to hack a post beyond... maybe 50 percent? Either way, don't expect a schoolwide hack from her. She's rather flexible, a product of taking gymnastics as a child, and running currently. She's totally on the track team.

AU HISTORY: Alyss was born in he UK, specifically in Essex. She was the second child at that point - well, third, as her parents thought of it, their second child had been a stillbirth, something that still saddens them to this day. She has an older brother named Jacob, who's two years older than her. Her childhood was a bit more progressive then some of the other children she knew, a result of her extremely liberal parents (she jokingly refers to them as hippies when they come up in conversation) and their beliefs on how children should be raised. So she spent most of her childhood being a general kid: running around, climbing trees, staying up late looking at the starts and giggling over the silly things her family did. As they grew older and their parents started to work harder to support their family, Jacob and Alyss started to walk to and from school.

Alyss was enrolled in gymnastics at a young age, and although she didn't like it sometimes, it was amusing to see the other kids fall of off the balance beam, and made climbing trees easier.

When Alyss turned ten, two important events occurred: her family loved to London, and her twin sisters were born. Named Romilly and Lia, they immediately became the center of attention. Alyss and Jacob babysat from the start, distracting the twins while their parents worked. Lia was an easy child, always falling asleep first, but Romilly was the troublesome one. She cried a lot, and often woke Lia up, which caused her to cry, which caused the whole house to wake up and immediately go into Red Alert mode, which was basically doing whatever it took to calm the two down.

Alyss discovered her photographic abilities at age twelve. Not to say she hadn't dabbled in it before - for Christmas one year, her parents had gotten the ten year old a digital camera, and she'd been sufficiently pleased. After fiddling with the settings, she had promptly skipped around the house to snap photos of all the things that had caught her interest. Her parents seemed to like them well enough ( she suspected that they were just saying that, though ) and Jacob told her that the middle school he was currently enrolled in that she'd be going to as well would be impressed if she kept her photography up.

She didn't really care about that though. But nonetheless, she carried that little digital camera around where ever she went, if only so she could remember things in better detail. It seemed to make her friends happy when she took photos of them, so she did, because they smiled at her after and sometimes would ask.

Two years later, when that little camera was all scratched up and she was choosing her courses for middle school, the first bubble she filled in was the option for a photography elective. And that was when she discovered that she actually had a talent for this kind of thing. So, led by her teachers, she grew and her talent increased. In middle school, she spent most of her time doing homework and taking photos.

Another important thing that happened in middle school concerned a person. A person named Yvonne Desmarais. Almost immediately, they hit it off - but Yvonne was a transfer, and would be going to a high school in her home country, the name of which she gently refused to tell Alyss. Nevertheless, the two became very close.

During the middle of eight grade, she began thinking about high school. She spent a bit of time looking for schools both she and Yvonne could go too, but it didn't work out. She's heard through another friend about Reims Academy, and how great it was supposed to be. Naturally, she was curious. When she talked to her parents about it, they were hesitant at first - how would they afford a boarding school? But eventually she persuaded them with the word scholarship, and just like that, they were alright with it.

And naturally, after a lot of hard work and a rather articulate application, she was in. So in August of that year, she packed her bags up, gave her family a kiss on the cheek, and headed off with a promise to each that she'd visit as much as possible. Before she left, she hugged Yvonne tightly and promised to write. And now, in HS2, she'd had more than her share of mishaps, irritating underclassmen and broken electronics.


hey um, guys? does anyone know a place where I could get a decent camera repair? I was going upstairs to my room and I. well. I kind of dropped my camera.

on someones head. [ HAHA whoops. yyeah they weren't happy ] so as well as needing to spend money to get my shattered lens replaced, I need to pay the kid my camera bounced off of to not sue my ass or something. gd entitled rich kids

so yeah kind of urgent! don't be an ass and waste my time if you don't know a place, thanks.

LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE: Alyss gave a yawn as she stepped out of her dorm and closed the door behind her with a quiet click. It was the weekend, and for once Alyss had actually woken up at a normal time, something that had been shocking to both her roommate, an aloof girl named Nicole, and herself. As she momentarily let her mind wander to it, she giggled quietly.

"Alyss!" her roommate had screeched. "What are you doing awake, it isn't even eleven yet--"

What a stupid question, what did she think she was doing awake?

"Hell if I know. Last I checked, people woke up at odd times occasionally." She sighed as she stopped next to the girl she shared a room with, reaching for her toothbrush. "Want to go get breakfast, or is her highness too busy with her loving underlings?"

Nicole scowled. "I'm busy." And with that last sentence, she grabbed her bag and stormed out.

Alyss merely groaned as she wet her toothbrush and began brushing. Stupid roommate. She had always disliked haughty girls like the one she roomed with, but for some reason, she hadn't requested a rooming change yet. Probably cause she liked being dominated, the blonde thought with a shudder.

... Looking back, it hadn't been as amusing as originally thought. She shook her head briefly, putting her headphones on as she walked towards the stairs. Hopefully, no one would try to strike up conversation. Despite waking up early, the idea of anyone talking to her, and no doubt about their most recent English grade or something equally mundane, was a positively atrocious thought.

And sure enough, when she reached the bottom of the stairs, there It was. It was an overexcited middle schooler, and one who worked on the school paper nonetheless.

This was not going to end well, she knew. Internally, she hoped that if she just ducked her head and gave the eager student a wide berth, she'd get away without being pestered, but it seems that today isn't her day, something apparent by the smile that spreads onto the middle schoolers face.

Damnit, Alyss thought when the middle schooler cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak.

"Excuse me--" she squeaked.

"What do you want?" She bluntly cut her off as she pushed her headphones down around her neck. The lighting was great outside, as she had noticed on her way down the stairs, and she definitely didn't want to waste time.

"W-Well, I was just wondering if you had a few minutes to address the, erm, r-rumors that you and-" she mumbled a name here, eyes cast downwards. "- were caught in the auditorium making out--"

"It's a stupid, false rumor. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to attend to." She gave the eight grader a sharp glance as she continued on her way, pushing her headphones back up over her ears with a mumbled curse of how goddamn irritating to the underclassmen have to be when they're trying to talk to upperclassmen, I mean really, no one was going to bite them, and a swift press to the volume button on her mp3.

Stupid distractions. She was never going to wake up before ten ever again, that was for sure.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Please keep your rabid wombat you will no doubt release in your pants, Alyss is a relatively open person so having a post existing with 90% l33t isn't necessary.

!app, {reims

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