Spoiler warning. Also; low number can be attributed to the fact I went and saw the musical version of Mary Poppins. No, I'm not kidding. :3b
1) That was probably the hardest battle so far. It took me more than two tries. How dare it.
2) That's what ya get for trying to go 3 on 1 ya douche.
3) Oo can I snap his head off? No? Darn.
4) lmao Hope is such a retarded healer. e_e;
5) ... Uh oh. Time for a pep talk.
6) I think the other motto of this game should be; Curse you sudden but inevitable not-betrayal!
7) Ohnoz, I have to fight one of my main party goers? e_e;;
8) Oh no, it's an Eidolon fight... wait is that - it is Bahamut! Hey bb.
9) ... No fair not getting a bubble healer for this fight.
10) B|
11) :| The only way to do this fight is with a sentinel and two healers. Awesome.
12) Except you run out of time if you try to do it with a Sentinel and two healers. Double awesome.
13) I need to redo my paradigms it seems. :/
14) I am... a lot further in this game than I thought I was. o_o; Wow, it's not that long at all... maybe... 30-35 hours to finish the story line? I might just be finishing this game in... a little over a week. No bueno. D:
15)Snow's tattoo spontaneously changed. :/
16) THAT WAS A BITCH OF A FIGHT, FUCK YOU BAHAMUT. Where did the sudden ramp in difficulty come from?
17) I hope there's an option to replay cutscenes later in the game. These ones are awesome... that was awesome.
18) Oh look, 'Hell' looks like ruined Earth circa Post Apocalypse after all the wildlife has taken over and made an untamed paradise out of it. I like it.
19) How do you order and get things delivered to another planet? X.e;
20) It amuses me that Oerba is actually supposed to be Œrba. They did the ï in Saïx correctly, so why not that? Oh and the way Vanille says it is hilarious.
21) Ah I see, Oerba is neither family name nor a title but somewhere between; that old naming style where they stuck your place of birth in your name.
22) All those times when he was angsting and could have summoned in a Eidolon, and it picks NOW?
23) ALEXANDER. ALEXANDER. ... Alexander is a pudgy little guy. But still. ALEXANDER MY DARLING.
24) He will never be as cool as my FFIX version of Alexander but I'll be damned if it isn't neat in its own right just because... ALEXANDER.
25) What the hell kind of vehicle is that? O.o;;
26) AIJFEDHJKSG The adorable little sheep. *HUGS THEM FOREVER AND EVER ;; so cute*
27) Those big tusked things have chains and what looks like cloth on them. Is that a design attribute or were they once tamed, I wonder?