Now that I'm supposed to be doing it... I just realized I have no photos of you on my computer. I have plenty in scrapbooks and in my "photobox" but none on the comp :( if you could hook me up, I could finish quicker ^_^
i am gone!!!!! and missing you!! nad i want to update but cant type! just got a text i hope it was from you!@ every text i get i hop[e is from you@! itxs kinda odd@ but when its frome ken or someone else i get a down right befgore reading it!@ ki8ndw odd! rigfht i know its off spelling but i dsont want to hit speelll check so im gonna leave as is. Pleaser read and if ou need me to tell you what it means give me 10 drinks in l3ss than 2 hours!@ and i made it back to adams was awesome i can ride better than walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISs YOU!!!!!
Comments 13
Pick me.
I mean, i think he's perfect already, but if he wants to start getting heckled for autographs...
I just realized I have no photos of you on my computer. I have plenty in scrapbooks and in my "photobox" but none on the comp :( if you could hook me up, I could finish quicker ^_^
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