5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Contact!

Feb 02, 2006 16:51

These Top Fives Include: Colin scenes/moments, snack foods, 80's songs, reasons I love deeablo, reasons I'm happy, cartoons, and cartoon movies.

Add your own Top Five Requests here.

Top Five Colin scenes for cosmic and keenai:

1. The montage at the end of Home: A combination of the music, the quiet moment with his mom and the fact that it's his last few moments alive. Bastards suckered me but good. *sniff*

2. "Stop following me" aka the drugged out hallways scene in Unspoken Truths: I just love the idea that Amy was spiraling out of control so badly, Colin came back to tell her to stop. Basically he wants her to keep living, not keep trying to find a way to be with him again.

3. The lake scene at the beginning of We Hold These Truths: Colin, Amy and Bright being completely happy and normal. It's nice to get an idea of how happy they were Before.

4. Colin losing it in the locker room scene in Miracle of Everwood: Mike Erwin makes me weep big girly tears. Gah! I just want to hug him for years and fix his broken (fictional) brain.

5. The Colin/Ephram scene in the car in Colin the second: Colin is just falling apart and the only person he can reach out to is Ephram. The whole concept of Colin the Second just resonated wonderfully with me. Plus, the prettiness of man pain!

Top Five Snackfoods for glossing:

1. Candy apples from the NC State Fair. My aunt and uncle took me every year from five until I was in college. I've missed two years I think? And every year I get candy apples, cotton candy (the free maple sugar one and the pink/blue ones), fried veggies, and fudge. mmmm. Is it October yet?

2. Lays salt and vinegar potato chips. Most especially the part where you lick your fingers and the sharp tang just clears your brain for a second or two.

3. Popcorn & chocolate. I had this last night while I watched PKW. Mr. resmin and I had a discussion on how he thinks this is strange. However, when you go the movies, what do you usually get? See? I'm not insane.

4. Tostidos chips & salsa. I am a munchaholic at parties.

5. Frozen Milky Way bars during the summer. You'd gnaw and gnaw and gnaw at these things and by the end you'd be covered in chocolate stickiness. I love that.

Top Five 80's songs for ratzcrackers:

1. 867-5309, Tommy Tutone. If this one needs further explanation, you're at the wrong lj.

2. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, Wham. *giggles* I can't help but smile whenever I even hear the title. The song has me dancing almost instantaneously.

3. You're the Inspiration, Chicago. Not the typical 80's song, but this was the first record I ever owned. Actually it was a record single, with an A side and a B side. Ah the 80's.

4. Walk This Way, Aerosmith/Run DMC. Badassitude and Adidas in one small package.

5. Get Back Home, Cabbage Patch Kids. Oh childhood. I had this album and played this specific song at least twice a day. "Get away from Cabbage Jack and get back home again / and they'll be laughter in the cabbage patch again" I repeat again... oh childhood.

Top Five Reasons I love Deeablo for deeablo:

1. She cracks me up. She's just fucking funny.

2. She's blunt. By which I mean she's going to tell it too you straight, but she's not going to intentionally hurt your feelings with the truth. That's very rare.

3. She loves Comaboy almost as much as I do and CK just that wee bit more.

4. Her exuberance for everything random is fantastic. Tom Cruise, music, Tom Welling, etc. If its odd, off the wall or somewhat strange, she's got an opinion and odds are its funny (see#1).

5. Even though we've never met face to face and for all I know we might not ever, she's still someone I consider a friend. That's even rarer than #2.

The next three are all for keenai.

Top Five Reasons You're Happy for:

1. I'm not bored at work today. I just spent all morning reading old EW transcripts and thinking back to the first days of EW fandom.

2. It's not yesterday. I've made a plan to leave and now I just need to implement it. I'm not kidding when I say my job is sucking the life out of me, but by making the decision to leave I just feel better.

3. I get to have lunch with minervacat tomorrow. Those of you who have extended contact with fandom don't know what its like for those of us who only get bits and pieces. I get to geek out for an hour with someone who not only gets where I'm coming from, but is in the same place.

4. My UNC hooded sweatshirt. It was cold this morning and when I was getting dressed I pulled my hood up to pull my jacket on (I have winter dressing issues). Mr. resmin started laughing at me, kissed my nose and told me that I looked adorable.

5. John Crichton. I've recently been rediscovering my Farscape love and there is no part of me that isn't amused by the wacky Southern boy in space. So much love.

Top Five Cartoons:

1. The Monchichichis. It was about monkeys and there were stuffed ones that had opposable thumbs they could suck and one had a pink bow. It came on Saturday's at 6am and I don't think I missed an episode. Nowadays I can't get up before noon on a weekend, go figure.

2. The Snorks. They were the underwater version of The Smurfs, but they didn't say 'smurf' all the damn time.

3. The Laugh-A-Lympics. Please tell me someone else remembers this and I didn't make up a large portion of my childhood. It basically took all the popular cartoon characters and put them in teams that competed against each other. There were bad guys w/ mustaches and sinister looks and three teams (?) of good guys. It was very strange and I adored it muchly. Even if I did dream it up.

4. G.I. Joe. I was a tomboy and a half. I spent ever moment with my next door neighbor John pretending to be spies, or hunters or commandos. Considering his father was ex-military and in the ATF, we had great toys. The only downside was that John had an older brother than occasionally liked to trap up in the treehouse and set it on fire. *laughs* Yeah, he sucked!

5. The Littles. This was the first instance where something I read I then got to watch on a weekly basis. It was v strange to my brain yet I liked it. Then again whoever they hired for Grandpa Little was just outstanding.

Top Five Cartoon Movies

1. Lion King. The best ever in my opinion. Songs, plot, and two wacky ass sidekicks, this movie has it all.

2. Anastasia. Beloved more for the soundtrack than the actual movie. Then again, who doesn't love John Cusack.

3. Monsters, Inc. I remember going to see this with like ten people and all of us leaving the theater singing 'Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me' (boom boom boom).

4. Bambi. *ouch* This is one of those childhood memories that just sticks with you.

5. Aladdin. This is here more as a placeholder than anything. I can't think of any more Cartoon movies that I loved. I liked a bunch, but not with the overwhelming love of the first four. I'll get back to this one.

jump on the bandwagon bitch (aka memes)

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