Normally I wouldn't even bother saying this.
I believe it doesn't matter so it's not even worth the time.
But I want you to fully understand when I say this is an issue that hits close to home.
I'm not closeted, per say, my closest friends know and a few of you already know.
I haven't told my parents but not because I don't think they'd be supportive.
They're the type of people who would think I can't possibly know such things.
They would think that my lack of experience, and my tendency to read, put the idea in my head.
I haven't told anyone at school - my town is mostly conservative
Our GSA club was such a big joke to most the school that I never joined thinking I wouldn't change anything.
People would joke about attending just to see who was gay - I really hate people sometimes.
My friend Kai, though, has been such a fabulous source of strength for me.
She listens to my rants, cheers with me when a state passes a gay marriage law, hisses at Prop 8.
Links, articles, random info - she sends it to me when she finds something.
So, she showed me this fanvideo to F*ck You Very Much by Lily Allen
Click to view
I don't know why but suddenly I got it.
I'm a complete closet case and that just isn't right.
I loved all the people in this vid - they are themselves.
I want to do that and. even though I don't believe I should have to come out to every new friend I make,
Even though I feel that the whole idea of "coming out" just further propagates the idea that homosexuality is something to hide,
Even though I'm afraid of the stupid bigots that populate the school and town, I want to be like that.
I'm bi. And I know you probably all don't care about my orientation but I like the feeling of saying that.
I am bi.