Copy&Paste over at the
Admin Console:
friend add restartingmods
friend add re_starting
friend add re_starting_ooc
friend add re_startinglogs
friend add 13lumpsofsugar
friend add aionkurokku
friend add blackspiders
friend add charming_yuki
friend add crimsonbirds
friend add crocodileisland
friend add crockalicous
friend add eccentricated
friend add inquisitivefrog
friend add kandapanda
friend add piano_virtuoso
friend add raburabi
friend add reiki_sheath
friend add risingroad
friend add rumblingyoshi
friend add tonigiri
friend remove banished_flame
friend remove freakingcar
friend remove chimera_zel
friend remove magic_howl
friend remove mithril_girl
friend remove curlyeyebrow
friend remove east_pwn_west
friend remove sellerofadream
friend remove soverysorry
friend remove swordofvalor
friend remove tenshisu
If you do not see your character on the list, please leave a comment with your character journal below.