Title: Hunger
Fandoms: Merlin
Characters/Pairings: Morgana/Uther
Rating: pg-13
Warnings/Spoilers: kinks I attempted to include: age differences, asphyxiation, bruises
Summary: "Every daughter wants to please their father."
His gloved hand tightens around her throat, back hits solid chair. Eyes widen in feigned fear, breath quickens in muted excitement that curls in her gut. Later, she gazes into her looking glass, shaking hand tracing blooming bruise (fragile flower).
Red lips curve into large delighted smile, so big it hurts her face. She can't sleep at night, only to re-dream his fingers tightening.
"My lord, I'm sorry to intrude," she murmurs, looking up through thick lashes. She's not ashamed that she wants him, any woman should want such power under their palms. Craves the feeling so similar to what swims hidden in her blood.
Her hand caresses bruised throat, falls lower as she watches his eyes.
"You've raised me, have you not Uther? I've grown up wanting to obey you," she whispered, slipping onto the edge of his bed. Everything about her speaks predator; swollen lips and determined stare. He finally protests, weakly with a tone of hunger.
"You are like a daughter."
His hand brushes across her face, she leans into the touch eagerly. Lips quirk into small smirk as her hands reach for the clasp holding her robe together.
"Every daughter wants to please their father."