Title: Hash
Fandoms: Gossip Girl
Rating: pg13
Warnings/Spoilers: light spoilers for 2x15
Summary: He first discovered the pleasures of hash at a young and vehement age.
He first discovered the pleasures of hash at a young and vehement age.
It was as if giving a young boy sex and then taking it away from him in one swift movement.
That was how coming down from a high felt.
But each time he took a deep hit and felt the smoke whisper in his lungs, it was sex.
Until he actually began to have sex and hash almost became second in his mind.
Alas, sex was sex and well hash was hash.
Something that blew his mind and made the impossible possible.
As long as one didn’t move too much.
It gave him a mellow high, made him see the woman of his dreams not reject him.
Regret still burned like a strong acid in his gut, corroding even his fucking high!
She blew into his thoughts, soft as the smoke exhaled from his lungs.
Flowers are ripped apart on his bedroom floor, amethyst stains.
Long elegant strokes of the joint turn to quick puffs.
Confusion and hurt cloud his being.
He hates feeling weak; pulling down strong emotional walls.
He’d discovered hash at a young age; an angry and tempered age.
It had been found when he finally realized his father truly hated him.
The very moment he’d begun to know that his fears were true.
Chuck had grasped to hash as one clung to a lifesaver.