profile meme;

Jan 04, 2017 00:33

[Character Name]
Martel Yggdrasil
Tales of Symphonia
[Point Taken from Canon]
Seconds before she's killed. Right before Mithos goes crazy, etcetc.

Female. With huge mfing jugs. :|
[Sexual Orientation]
Hetero. Well. Yuan...o. rofl. Sorry kiddies. :C

[Eye Color]
[Hair Color]
...also green.
Probably around 5'4? Maybe? Definitely shorter than Yuan. And Kratos. :|
Right, right, Martel has ENORMOUS jubblies. girlfriends. jugs. breasts. boobs. etcetc.
Martel was born in Heimdall, along with her younger brother, Mithos. Abandoned by their parents, Martel took the role of caring for Mithos not only as a sister, but as the mother that Mithos never had. The two were born as half-elves, and under the general hatred for half-elves, Martel and Mithos were banished at a young age form the only place that they could have called home around the start of the Great Kharlan War.

Later joined by Yuan Ka-Fe, another half elf, and Kratosi, Martel and Mithos travelled the lands, trying to end discrimination against half-elves. People rejected the idea of respecting half-elves as regular people, as they always had. Martel, however- a peaceful woman, encouraged the end of discrimination through her kindness and her soft words. Despite hard work, people just didn't open up, and they just wouldn't understand. This wasn't a cause for Martel to surrender. She dreamed of a world without the discrimination against half-elves. It was a task that she seemingly lived for. The four soon came under the guidance of Cruxis Crystals- items that kept the four from growing older physically. Because of this, Martel felt more powered than ever to end the hatred put out towards half-elves, and aide the efforts made to create equality and harmony between humans, elves, and half-elves.

Along the way, Yuan and Martel saw each other in a more romantic sense than before. Even though Mithos wasn't prone to giving his treasured older sister away to Yuan, Martel and Yuan became engaged- soon to be married. The two were closer than ever before, and while Mithos probably didn't like it, Yuan was the only one who could make her this happy. Those years were Martel's most treasured- travelling with her beloved fiance, her sweet younger brother, and his strong, gentle-hearted teacher, Kratos. It was almost like a dream; she was blissfully happy when she was with them.

The War, however, was not as blissful. Day by day, the tides of battle grew stronger and more painful. War flooded the world, and death left a bleak, powerful wake across the land. After years of work and hardships, the War was ended due in part to the efforts of Mithos, Martel, Yuan, and Kratos. So close to signing a treaty and beginning a new, peaceful age, and yet so far. A human's greed for violence burst through the dreamlike peace and grabbed Martel by the shoulder, pushing her frame into the ground and holding a knife over her.

It came crashing down. She shut her eyes tightly- Yuan and Mithos' frightened voices drew precedence over an alarmed crowd.

Until awakening in Somarium, her eyelids would never open again.

Martel is very motherly towards everyone. Her generosity and kindness know no bounds. Despite the hatred for her as a half-elf, Martel loves all people. Elves, half-elves, and humans alike. Encouraging and loving, Martel takes great pride in assisting others when they need help. Her nurturing personality makes her very hospitable. While strong-hearted and a bit stubborn, Martel is fragile and very girlish in her hobbies, like cleaning and sewing. That being said, Martel has a difficult time cooking and baking- usually, the men would handle that area.

Martel is very dependable when it comes to spell-casting. The powers imbued in the Cruxis Crystals amplify the power of those who wear them, which made her spells quite frightening if they were aimed against you. Most of her magic, however, is reserved for acts such as healing and restoring vitality. Her power reflects her true nature, which involves her ability to restore hope to those who are weakened. On the same token, Martel can be a bit childish- she's very excitable. Even the smallest of accomplishments can make her dizzy with enthusiasm. To add to that childish feature is the fact that she's rather oblivious to most adult things. Like, er, sex, and XXX and...well, you understand. rofl.
Martel's abilities are that of a standard mage- she can harness a few elemental powers, but mostly heals and restores energy. Her abilities are above the par of a normal person with the aide of the crystal.

Also, she'll probably want to mother you. She's got a gift for understanding other people's problems. C: No exceptions to this rule.

Well, Yuan can pretty much do whatever he damn well pleases. While Martel is very friendly and loving, please make sure you keep in the back of your head that her heart's very much taken. I don't mind flirting, though Martel will probably pay it no mind.

I'd like to be spoken with before-hand, should a need for battle arise. :C Martel's a sweet little thing, and she doesn't really like to fight, but she's believes that she's mature enough to understand that sometimes fighting is necessary.

Martel is an excellent healer- she can't raise the dead or anything to that degree of healing magic, but she makes an excellent nurse. Otherwise, there are elemental spells that she can cast- Ray being the most powerful spell in her arsenal. Ray is a light based spell.

[Other Permissions]
I give full permission for mind reading and stuff like that, but as stated earlier, a little heads up would be cool. If you're mind reading or something like that, please note that I like to get a little chatty in my [ action ] text. If you want to read her mind, I'll let you know what she's thinking.

[Other Facts]
This is not the Goddess Martel. rofl. This Martel is a sweet, simple woman who's engaged to the man she loves during a time of battle and war. She doesn't have hax powers. rofl.


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