(no subject)

Jul 09, 2011 23:05

I Play: Euphemia li Britannia
I Used to Play: Sob... no one.


IRC: Very new but hey I'm there! If I'm on that usually means I'm on and available to be contacted. Feel free to say hi! Username is Euphemia for now.

Alternatives: Feel free to add me on Plurk or throw a message at gChat (radiantwish at gmail)

Style: I... don't know. I'm unpredictable.

Crit: Feel free to do so. I prefer a more direct approach without anonmity but I'm fine if you would rather not give your name out. But really I'm very open about concrit. I'm not the best role player and I may mess up. If I've somehow failed please by all means let me know!


Timezone/Scheduling: EST for now. No conflictions and generally on for numerous hours.

Playing Frequency: Average. I'm here, there, everywhere and try to keep myself as occupied as possible with the cast.

Replying Speed: Depends. I may be fast or slow, it always depends on the day and situation.

Thread Dropping: I hate doing this orz. I tend to do it if I have nothing else to say or I'm at lost for how my muse will respond/react. I don't know!

Thread Pickup: Yesssss do it!

Comfort Levels: Comfortable.

Threading Permission: Just tag me!


Frequency: idk...sob.

Spontaneity: Sometimes? I never know.

Postrape: oh god what does this even mean??

Time Before a Post is Abandoned: I've ran posts for days at a time.
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