It's been almost a month since my last post, so indeed
angel18 I should really keep up with all this crap! In case you haven't heard about my wreck let me fill you in....
As I was driving back to school a few weeks ago I started getting sleepier and sleepier. So the end result was located at mile marker 330 on Interstate 40 just outside of Benson, NC. All I remember was going off the road into the median right before some bridge. As I was going in to the median I woke up and jerked my car back onto the road; this caused me to do I think was a 270( degrees that is) into the cables on 40.Very luckily I hit on my passenger side, totaling my car. So being the smart person I am, I tried to drive off thinking nothing had happened well that was the least of my worries cause I was stuck on one of those posts. Come to find out I took out 4 of those posts which caused my bumper to be ripped off and there was a pretty rad run down my car from the cables. I got out after the initial shock wore off and looked at my car, seeing my side-view mirror, that had also been ripped off, laying 4 or 5 feet from my car I went and picked it up (it is a pretty rad souvenir from my car). But the most amazing thing occured during my wreck; this being that my Bible which had been sitting in my passenger seat NEVER moved!!! Another thing was that there were no other cars on the road when my wreck happened. Plus before I could even call someone had already called my situation in and there wasa trooper en route at that moment. Approximately 20 people stopped to see if I was OK. Someone was most def riding shotgun with me that nite!! My court date is on the 21st of November and insurance is going to help pay for the bills!! Well life has been really good since this happened. Me and that certain someone have gotten a lot closer over the past few months. I even get to be her "weekend boyfriend" whatever that is?! Whatever.... skool's going awesome and if you haven't heard I do have a
mohawk and it's now blonde, but just the mohawk part. I did shave as well, but trust me ladies it's still very sexy!!! So i think it's time to sign off... but to all who read ya'll is the SEX
hanging in the balance between violence and grace,
x KEvIN x