welp. xanga is teh broked. so off to livejournal land I go, to update about my ever so interesting life.
my mom had a really bad day :/ apparently as the kidney stone moves down through her system it will hurt at some points and at others be fine.. yea.. she spent a solid 3 hours just throwing up :\ hopefully it will pass through soon.
After returning from the mountains.. I played DDR -- I GOT AN A ON MAX 300 ON 1.5 SPEED. WOOT. My new pad rocks my socks off(literally and figuratively) ^_^ Now i've gotten an A(or AA :P) on every single song on light.. on to standard I go.
My grandparents dropped in for a visit(but I think they had veiled intentions, I think they really just came for the peanut butter balls!)
Then I uh, played some basketball.. hmm, yea.
Then came the party preperation. Well, we were supposed to wear all black.. I took this too an extreme. Busting out the black tobagan and gloves, as well as black dress up shoes, black dockers, and a black jacket. mwhaha, I looked ready to rob a bank or gas station. Then the party, good times indeed. The female:male ratio was, uh, like 12 to 3. We need to get some more guy friends :( But I'd rather have it be in that favor than vice-versa with having all guy friends :O We Ate pizza.. then the rave started. KEKEKE. Strobe light + spinny disco ball + lights off + glow sticks + trippy techno music mixed with some crappy rap songs that under normal circumstances suck, but are good to dance too + dancing = goooooood times. Us 3 guys started up a congo line, haha, at one point it caught on and we had everyone doing the congo. We ended up dancing for like two hours.. I suck the big one at dancing, but hey throw me two glow sticks and I'll go crazay. Then eventually we got tired. Then Priya busted out the Backstreet Boys and me and MC went real. We busted out into the song, singing it once by ourselves. Then eventually we got into a circle and we were all singing it swaying back and forth. haha. Then they put in N*Sync.. and we protested. We are BSBB4L (Backstreet Boy Boy's 4 lyfe) and finally convinced her to change it to Sum41. mwhahha. Then we just sat around and talked.. I called Mattaniah on speaker phone and we all told him he should have come.. then my mom called and I accidently hung up on you Mattaniah.. IM SORRY!!
Then I came home.. and played an AoE2 game with Matt and Phil going against Me, Chris, Paul, and Andrew. WE LOST! HOLY CRAP!! WE SUCK!
Dude Sunday is gonna be the best day ever, Me, MC, Mattaniah(probably), and Chris(probably), and anyone else that wants to come.. are going to Coaches, its a resteraunt with like 8 TV's in every room, all turned to football. So we gonna go and watch all the games, AT ONCE! ITS GONNA BE LIKE HEAVEN. EXCEPT BETTER. ALOT BETTER! Then we probably gonna go to the driving range or something afterwards, woot woot.
yay, heres all my pics with my new camera.
yay for random pics of the sunrise =)
random pics I took at the party.. most really have no purpose.. I just enjoyed taking pictures because the room was totally dark and the flash on my camera like blinded everyone. it was fun.
I wasn't joking when I said all black..
haha, I love this, it makes it look like MC is 8 feet tall. But really he was just jumping..
Look! Alicia is married to batman! But so am I.. "Today on Jerry Springer: Nuh-uh honey, Batman is mine"
Oh crap, Priya caught me stealing the cape cod chips..
MC serenading me with some wonderful BSB