(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 16:46

Å~ • I N F O R M A T I O N • Å~ •
Name: Caroline
Single or taken: taken
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 26
Sign: Cancer
Siblings: Stephanie
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5'5"

• Å~ • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • Å~ •
Who are your best friends?: Andrew, Becca, Stephanie, Julie
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I have a pretty awesome girlfriend.

• Å~ • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • Å~ •
Where is your favorite place to shop: Bull Moose Music
Any tattoos or piercings: I have 9 piercings.

• Å~ • S P E C I F I C S • Å~ •
Do you do drugs?: I have been know to partake in the smokage of pot, however that hasn't happened in months and I think I may be done experimenting.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences
What are you most scared of?: right now I am really afraid that I am not going to live up to my own expectations of what I want my life to be like. I am a little afraid of myself I guess.
What are you listening to right now? "Anywhere You Go" by Shawn Colvin
Who is the last person that called you?: Cat (he's coming to visit me on Thursday!)
Where do you want to get married?: I don't think I want to get married.
How many buddies are online right now?: 39
What would you change about yourself?: I wish I had the time, energy, and focus to do all the things that I think are important. I am struggling with balance right now. I don't know if that actually answered the question but whatever.
What disgusts you? The government and the arrogance of this country.

• Å~ • F A V O R I T E S • Å~ •
Color: green
Food: pasta
Boys names: I really don't know
Girls names: I haven't put thought into this
Subjects in school: Philosophy and Women's Studies
Animals: lizards, squirrels, otters, frogs

• Å~ • E V E R... • Å~ •
Given anyone a bath?: yeah, my cousins
Smoked?: yep
Bungee jumped?: nope
Made yourself throw up?: yes
Skinny dipped?: no
Ever been in love?: I think so.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes
Pictured your crush naked?: yes
Actually seen your crush naked?: no
Cried when someone died?: oh yes
Lied: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: yep :)
Been rejected?: yes
Rejected someone?: yes
Used someone?: ummm maybe, I don't know if last summer counts...
Done something you regret?: oh many many things

• Å~ • C U R R E N T • Å~ •
Clothes: tan pants, green shirt
Music: "I'll Say I'm Sorry" by Shawn Colvin
Make-up: Ewwww no!
Annoyance: I have too much work to do this week.
Smell: My normal room smell or maybe my old spice deodorant
Desktop picture: Brennan's lizard picture
Book you're reading: Immanuel Kant's Prolegomena
CD in player: Alana Davis- Fortune Cookie
DVD in player: I don't have a DVD player and I don't have anything in my computer disk drive

• Å~ • L A S T | P E R S O N • Å~ •
You touched: Dezarai
hugged: Sam
You imed: Becca
You yelled at: Dezarai
You kissed: Becca
willingly: Becca (I'm assuming this means willingly kissed?)

• Å~ • A R E | Y O U • Å~ •
Understanding: I think so
Open-minded: yeah
Arrogant: sometimes
Insecure: occasionally
Random: most of the time
Hungry: no
Smart: yeah
Moody: once a month
Hard working: most of the time although I also understand the merits of procrastination
Organized: I work hard on it, but not naturally
Healthy: yep
Shy: somewhat
Difficult: when I want to be
Attractive: ummm, it depends on the day. I have a love-hate relationship with my body
Bored easily: no, I am usually too busy thinking about philosophy to get too bored
Responsible: I try to be, although I seem to have let a few people down recently
Obsessed: yeah I have a few obsessions...
Angry: not at all
Sad: nope
Happy: very much so
Hyper: not at the moment, but I am beginning to notice a correlation between my hyperness and the presence of a certain person online.
Trusting: very much so

• Å~ • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • Å~ •
Kill?: I can honestly say, I can't think of anyone
Slap: Again, no one comes to mind
Get really wasted with?: I am looking forward to quality drunkenness with Andrew soon!
Get high with: I don't really want to get high, but I guess if I did, I would say Barbara
Talk to offline: REBECCA JARVIS and ANDREW JOHNSON!!!!!!
Talk to online: Andrew, Becca, Stephie, Lauren
Sex it up with: I think you know who you are ;)

• Å~ • R A N D O M • Å~ •
In the morning I am: usually up doing work
All you need is: PHILOSOPHY!!!
Love is: so beautiful and worth the struggle
I dream about: I can almost never remember but my family is usually present and I am usually in Kennebunk
Sexual preference: I am lesbian
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: their hands... please don't ask. I'm weird

• Å~ • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • Å~ •
Coke or Pepsi: neither, I hate soda unless it has alcohol in it
Flowers or candy: Flowers
Tall or short: I guess I prefer taller or around the same height

• Å~ • W H O • Å~ •
Makes you laugh the most: Becca or Lauren
Makes you smile: Andrew and Becca
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: ummmm, Jay Garfield's intelligence kinda makes me nervous

• Å~ • D O | Y O U | E V E R • Å~ •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Yeah, actually I am pathetic and I use the little alert thing to let me know when she comes back from away :)
Save conversations: Yeah kinda frequently actually
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: I've thought about it but I really like being female
Wish you were younger: sometimes
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes, just yesterday actually

• Å~ • N U M B E R • Å~ •
Of times I have had my heart broken: Once, maybe twice
Of hearts I have broken: Well I did dump both of my middle school boyfriends...
Of guys I've kissed: I've made out with 1 and kissed 3 others on the lips
Of girls I've kissed: I've made out with 3 and kissed 3 others on the lips
Of CD's I own: nearing 200
Of scars on my body: 4 small ones (nose, finger, wrist, and foot)
Of things that I regret: a lot

• Å~ • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • Å~ •
I know: that it is warm and sunny and springy outside
I want: to see Becca really really soon
I have: lots of work to do tonight
I wish: I hadn't done horribly on my French test today
I hate: onions
I fear: the future I guess, I want to stay in college forever
I hear: Jill talking next door and someone walking down the hall
I search: for... hmmm, I don't know.
I wonder: why these questions are so dumb
I love: Smith and spring and Harold and of course Becca :)
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