May 29, 2006 13:56
So, for those of you who don't leave the house (or live in Toronto) today saw a "work stoppage" by the TTC and the ATWU. There's some debate if this was a wildcat or a lockout, but the labour board has declared it illegal (no surprise). The union made an offer where they'd return to work, but TTC management rejected it.
I drove by the streetcar yard in my neighborhood and there was a couple hundred workers milling about, some handing out leaflets, some BBQing, most trying to stay in the shade and find out what was going on from the union.
I'm considering trying to get a few activist types from the neighborhood to visit the "picket line" later in the day, maybe bring the workers some cold water, but I'm also really inclined to just chill at home and drink beer (as I'm currently doing).
Speaking of which, since it was so hot today we knocked off work early (I was done by 12:45) and I'm dreading the rest of the week which is supposed to be over 30c (over 40c with the humidex!). The boss is worried that the fertilizer we're using will burn lawns at that temp. but I can't see him giving us half days all week (which would add up to almost two weeks worth of lost productivity). I really hope this summer isn't like last year which saw over 40 days above 30 degrees (before humidity). Today I forgot to bring my hat so I ended up trying a dirty rag on my head to keep the sun off it and the sweat from pouring into my eyes. Even though I applied my 70UV sunblock I still felt like I was broiling alive.
This reminds me of an anecdote about the recent Montreal anarchist bookfair. I remember someone asking me if I had been traveling on vacation. I was really confused as it was my first weekend off in months so I said no and asked why they asked me that. They pointed out my tan and said they assumed I had been in Mexico or somewhere. No, actually, I just work outside. It really underlined the middle-class (or upper class) background of a lot of anarchists and radicals for me, this persons didn't even think that my killer farmer tan was because I do manual labour in the outdoors.
Anyways, my beer is now empty, time to get a new one.
work makes you free!