This will only make sense to people who read the Naruto manga:
Reid: lolol ruto spoilars are back to the same flimsy fan-fiction i know and love :)
i mean... xD
me: itachi/sasuke will get it on?
susano is really itachi's name for his wang?
Reid: ugh, not that fan-fiction
me: why didn't i think of this before!
Reid: i mean, hell... sasuke already has orochi inside him
12:21 AM me: oh grossss hahahah
Reid: loooollolol
cursed seal = std
me: hahahahhahaha
Reid: a gigantic, whole-body std that makes you grow wings
me: god i think syphillis stage 3 is like that
12:22 AM Reid: WAY more entertaining than regular ol' crabs
We're gross. And stupendously into Naruto.