Warnings: None.
Dream Effects: None.
(OOC: By the way, you can blame
this guy for this.)
"Marriage requested."
Click to view
Lambda feels a hand on her shoulder. It's Kokonoe, her maid of honour. "I'm uncharacteristically happy for you. Here, have a waffle iron."
"Received. Engaging false gratitude protocol."
She holds hands with her new husband, who has brought out his orange-white-white colour palette for the occasion.
"Lambda." He smiles down at her.
Something about his smile causes her to look away. Yet she squeezes his hand tightly, as if afraid that he'll let go at any moment.
Loading... loading... loading... complete.
That was... a dream?
[Lambda sits up and blinks in confusion. She's never had a dream before. At least, not that she can remember. Were her shutdown procedures incomplete? Did she click on "Sleep" instead of "Shut Down"? She makes a note in her database to double-check her shutdown processes next time, and ponders whether to erase the "trash data" that has accumulated in her memory banks from the dream. Kokonoe would certainly erase it without hesitation...]