Well this weekend brought around a lot of drama in the game.
because of drama
over the loot system. It had been a long time coming I'm sure based off
of what Tommy had been saying. A few weeks back I won what is
considered in the game to be the best dps trinket you can get. The
dragonspine trophy off of Gruuls. At the beginning of the raid Fubar
(LF GM) told Steel (MS Co-GM) that we would be taking it if it dropped.
They were under the assumption that if it dropped they would get it for
a member of their guild. Now i do not know what was agreed upon by the
two guilds. I was not in that meeting so i dont know if Fubar changed
his mind or what. But that week it dropped and I rolled and won it
based off of my DKP being the same as an officer and the guild leader.
Last night MS had organized a Mag run and if it was done quickly enough
we'd do Gruuls. Okay now when I hear this i think okay we'll fill in
the slots from our guild for what was missing from theirs. No. LF had
the majority of the members and we filled in with MS members. Tommy and
2 other healers ended up having to sit out and being on a wait list.
This annoyed me even more because yeah it just did. So we start the
raid run. We wipe quite a few times. Lilly gets annoyed at the fact no
one is listening and leaves the raid. Ender dies because he claims no
one was healing him and he leaves and 5 minutes after him, Saber just
drops the raid with no comment. It was after these people left that we
actually downed Mags. Sera got her T4 chest piece, Leera got the 20
slot bag and I believe McGuirk got his T4. Fubar took the gem bag and
said he was going to split up the gems between the two guilds, Rocos
(MS) got Mag's head and Gadge got his T4 but gave it to his dad who was
still wearing his D3 chest (Hallowed). I got 21 g and my Champion of
the Naaru title which paid out 24 g so i covered my repairs and made a
little extra but after i logged out of TS the crap hit the fan. Fubar
was told that MS would not be raiding with LF anymore because of the
loot issue from previous weeks. Apparently Raja (MS GM) approached
Fubar prior to the raid to discuss this issue and how there were still
several members upset over what happened. Fubar basically was rather
abrupt and told her not now this wasnt the time which i guess bothered
her and she got in an argument with her husband who also plays and raids
with us. I dont know the details but I logged back in right as it was
mentioned that people were annoyed that we got the trinket that week
which i was given. I said my piece that I can understand thier
annoyance because I would be the same im sure. I also told them that I
thought it was rather rude that we were the majority of the raid when MS
had decided what to do this week. Fubar justified it as this was our
normal raid night why shouldnt we have had the majority. Yeah it was
our normal raid night but from my point of view is that if another guild
we are raiding with sets up the raid and the time and they have the
majority of the people signed up then we should be filling in the spots.
If thats not cool then we shouldnt have participated in the run.
I'm sure i stirred up some trouble becuase my priest will now be going
on static runs with MS on the weekend. Only my main will be going with
my guild because Vin is an alt i can do with her whatever i feel like.
It was just unnecessary drama that spilled over and Tommy and I feel
like we're kind of stuck in the middle of it all because each of us are
in the now offended guilds. I've told Fubar im not getting in the
middle of it. I've told Tommy im not getting in the middle of it. Im
being neutral. I will be Switzerland!