I was adopted.

Jan 16, 2005 21:28

I have been wanting to do this for awhile now
My dad as ya'll know died on may 7th 2003.
He was not my biological father,but he was my Dad and I loved him so very much for taking me and raising me as his very own. I was an only child.
He never had kids of his own except for me.
He married my mom when I was two so he really was my father cause I never knew my Biological father.he feed me, clothed me, took me places,spanked me,and most of all he loved me and gave me comfort when I needed it.
My Biological father and mom I don't think they were ever married nore lived together at all. And what little I know of him came from dad.
All I really know is that he is suppose to be living somewhere in the seattle area.
Dad adopted me when I was 14 and I changed my last name to fit his with the option of changing it back if I ever wanted too{Dads doing not mine}.
My mom has never said anything good about him or his family.
I don't know and don't want to judge
him cause I have always felt he did what he had to do whatever that was??
But I have also felt that God placed the right person in my mom and mines life.
Now when I was three years old{1964} I had major problems that required major surgery
and had my dad not been in the military I would have probably died.
the doctors only gave me a 10% chance of living.
so my mom wrote my biological fathers family and not once did they write back or acted like they really cared,My dad's family who we had never met wrote my mom to let us know they had the church[mormons] praying for us and seemed geniunely concerned as I would be the only grandchild they had at the time.
to make a long story short I was in and out of the hospital for the next two to three years and in 1966 I finally got to meet my grandmother. and that summer I got to meet one of my uncles and my aunt and my grandpa.
that Family has always treated me like I was one of their own and I love ever one of them.I just wish I would have got to see them more.
Now dad and I had our moments when I was in high school and even after wards when I got a job and moved out.I moved back in the house when I lost my job and finally I got a job and he threw me out of the house.
Best thing that ever happened to me outside of getting saved and being Bless to have a child.
After Khris was born I noticed our relationship started to blossum.
I think some of the best times were at Christmas and when we went camping.
I was fortuniate to have the opportunity to spend time with my dad before he died and I am so at peace that he got saved.I got to see something that alot of peaple don't see and that is Grace in action.
1Corinthians15:55 O death,were is thy sting? O grave,where is thy victory?
I loved my Dad for just being there and knowing what all I put him through
he still loved me.
I can say he was a brave and couragious man for doing that. I don't know if I could ever do that,because of issues that go with with marring someone who already has a child.I hope you enjoyed that I felt like I needed to get it off my chest so to speak.
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