(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 20:13

This is a collection of the editorials and rants I've written recently. Enjoy.

This Terri Schiavo thing is just a waste of time. It's a bunch of fucking retards screaming at Bush to make a legal exception for a corpse. Because that's what she is, is a corpse. She is clinically brain-dead, that is, having no cognative capacity left. She can display raw reaction, that is, she can track with her eyes and react to things. So basically, she's sitting there, eating up her husband's life, who is too religious or devoted or whatthefuckever to leave her, and her parents are just too fucking pussy to let go. That's all this is, in the end, is a couple of parents who are too fucking pussy to let their daughter die.

But she's been dead for 15 years. And god help her if she hasn't, because if she's been congnative for 15 years, then she's been sitting in the same hospital bed for 15 years reliving the days when she could still eat, move on her own, laugh, fuck. And she's been plagued by those memories, bombarded with everything she used to love, and all she can do is watch; she can never do it again. She can never sit and talk with family, friends, her hubby, or laugh, without that goddamn sadness and melancholy dragging it to the ground.

For christsakes, don't you fucking bleating sheep have any compassion? If you truly respected Terri Schiavo, you'd put her the hell out of her misery. If you truly respected life, you'd learn to understand it before you presumed to judge it.

And if you truly believed in America, you'd know better than to ask for special treatment based on a sob story.

It’s a comforting piece of rhetoric for Americans that Bush’s tax breaks and large spending policies are good for the economy, but eventually, we have to wake up and actually look at the facts.
According to the U.S. Treasury Department, we spend $300 billion dollars per year on interest on the debt alone. That’s the third largest item on the budget. Some of that goes to American bondholders, but plenty doesn't. About $4.3 trillion of the debt is held by the American people and about $3.1 trillion by other governments. That means that we throw $108 billion dollars away every year to this rising debt. (We spend $68 billion a year on education.)
As the debt continues to grow, it will only consume more and more of our federal budget. The supply-side economics used by the Bush clan and Ronald Reagan explodes the debt, while often making our economy move farther down than up.
Bush promises a stable economy. We can’t have a stable anything if we can’t afford anything but the debt. After 16 years of proof, he still doesn’t realize that.
Remember Clinton and more taxes, less spending? Remember how the debt went down and the economy up?
Rhetoric is comforting, but it’s time the American people realized that it’s very seldom applicable to real life.

I am absolutely sick of hearing people ask to put a gay marriage ban to a public vote, citing democracy as their justification. I don’t understand how they don’t comprehend that it’s not the refusal to put the issue to a floor vote that’s undemocratic, it’s the issue itself.
Marriage is a legal institution; a government service, if you will. Married couples get tax advantages, visitation rights at hospitals, estate benefits, and social security benefits, among other things. They get legal benefits from this legal institution. Denying them these legal benefits violates not only the spirit of the law (John Locke, one of the largest moral contributors to our constitution, stated in his Second Treatise, that a law is legitimate so long as it does not pick and choose who receives its benefits), but the letter of the law. (We could start with the fourteenth amendment: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States).
The concept of allowing the majority to determine the rights of the minority is not only naïve, but foolish and undemocratic. Given the choice, a majority will virtually always choose to oppress the minority, and it will never be democratic. So stop citing democracy as an excuse to deny legal citizens legal rights.

And that, as they say, is that.
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