Ice King (FMA/Ouran crossover, Kimbley/Kyouya)

Sep 10, 2006 17:35

Title: Ice King
Fandom: FMA/Ouran crossover
Character(s) or Pairing: Kimbley/Kyouya
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crossover, crack pairing, major suckiness
Word Count: ~ 130 words
Summary: Kyouya was eavesdropping.
A/N: Written for dolens_torpeo, in response to the following challenge: Passion; Kimbley/Kyouya..

"I was called a cold-hearted bastard today."

"You are."

"So you agree, most of the world does see me as a cold-hearted bastard, always scheming and planning?"

"You are always scheming and planning."

"Am I comparable to an ice king, frigid and completely unemotional?"



"Passionless and insipid, likely to use sex as a means to an end and enjoy the information I gathered from it more than the act itself?"

"You should stop listening to those girls in your school. Unless you want me to go blow it up for you. I'd like to make that place go boom."

"Well, am I?"

"Are you what?"



"Am I... uh, passionless?"

"Only when you're not in bed. You're different here. And stop tugging at the scarves, they're not going to rip no matter what you do."

crossover, *for friends, ouran, fma

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