Zan'nen doesn't have any friends yet! D'8 Except Elicia.
Peeps he's interacted with thus far (in no order):
Tia Dalma
Threadhopping with this character?: Of course. I really don't mind. As seems usual though, send me a quick note if it's something serious.
Backtagging with this character?: Sure! I see no problem with this either, so long as it doesn't ret-con anything.
Hugging this character?: Sure... but if you're a man, you may get punched in the face. If you're a small child or lady, he'll probably get hissy/blushy/growly and push you away... If you're a kitty though, he'll love you.
Giving this character a kiss?: Sure? But it might wind up like the above option, only worse.
Something more intimate?: Umm... There'd have to be a lot of relationship development first. We'll see when we get there.
Relationships?: Again, just like the above. He has a thick outer shell.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): Go for it! Heck, punch him when he's half-conscious too, if you wanna be a jerk. Especially if he deserves it! Or even if he doesn't.
Injury?: For serious-serious injuries, I would like a heads up. But anything else is fine! Beat him up! 8D
Death?: Again, just a heads up is nice. I guess it would probably be fine.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: ... Hmm... Not that I can think of! He's an OC, so there's no mind-breaking canon-spoilers for him. And angsting is kinda his thing... sometimes. /=
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?: DEFAULT MOOD: GRUMPY. Like I've said before, he has soft squishy parts of his personality deep, deeeep down. So he will get hurt and emo and stuff if you insult him the right way, but he's not going to tell you about it. He also doesn't really care about his own well-being. He's going to say things without thinking, and he's going to yell at you and tell you to leave him alone plzkthx, but he is lonely and probably won't mean it. So, you may need to force things out of him.
Anything else, please mention here: Hmm, if you have any questions on something, leave a comment or contact me. I'll gonna try to live on AIM so you guys can find me. If not, I'm always on gmail. xD