PR0N PWNS UR SOUL. [challenge, yo~!]

Mar 04, 2007 23:41

Ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate the coming of summer and the graduation of many of the seniors in this community, I propose The 69 Challenge to all members. ...Yes, the name is as porny as the number. :3

Stipulations are as follows:

  • Throughout the course of this month and even beyond that because We Are People Who Don't Know What Deadlines Are! :D, post up 69 drabbles/one-shots/artwork/whateverthehellyouwants featuring pairings or OT3++-somes of your choice.
  • IMPORTANT: the rating for your piece MUST be PG or up!
  • Both original and fandom pairings and OT3++somes are welcome!
  • All sorts of pairings and OT3++somes are acceptable, be they het, be they lezzie, be they gh3i.
  • All genres are also acceptable, be it fluff, be it snuff, be it drama, be it plain out smut! :O
  • Titles/prompts are optional but they really would help~
  • Spectators and participants alike are welcome to field requests for pairings/fandoms by commenting here or poking their writer/artist of choice.

...Don't ask where this came from. You really don't want to know. D:

Comment if you're joining, or comment just because you love the sauce. :3

mod post, challenges

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