Title: Trains Day/Theme: July 11 [2007]: Size was never so daunting. Series: xxxHOLIC Character/Pairing: Doumeki, Watanuki, can be seen as gay. Cough. Rating: Gen Note: For factorielle, because dead, spazzing Watanuki made my day. Also, very random. And run-on, because I wanted to try the style.
The... measely handful of stuff I've come up with since the last time. Unless you guys want articles on Helium and Table lamps and Desk lamps around. Lol.
I'm spamming everyone. ( >ㅅ<; ) I'm sorry! It's just that I've had had too much free time lately D: Anyway, Just say so and I'll tone it down XD And again, your comments are greatly appreciated.
I hope everyone's still got their cyber-heads on their shoulders after that very random, very irresponsible Strikethrough blitzkreig. Cut them all down! Why, how very Insane-Roman-Emperor of you.