Title: All Before Breakfast Author: rev02a Rating: PG Characters: Kitty Riley, Richard Brooks Warnings: Character death, SPOILERS for TRF Summary: Kitty has written the unmasking of the century. She deals with the consequences.
This is wonderfully creepy, well deserved, and what I now believe as canon in my mind. I will continue to see that this as a missing scene from the show. Thank you.
It's not often that I read fic with charcter death in it and go 'I really hope this happened'. This is now my headcannon for this character. Thank you for it. I didn't even realise how much I wanted it until I read it.
This fic rings true, Moriarty would do that, not just kill her but also taunt her with how easily he's fooled her.
I have to say in her defense though, she was taken in by Moriarty, and a great story, but I think anyone would have been in her situation. Moriarty is very good at that sort of thing, and fabricating evidence to support his story.
Comments 15
This is now my headcannon for this character. Thank you for it. I didn't even realise how much I wanted it until I read it.
I have to say in her defense though, she was taken in by Moriarty, and a great story, but I think anyone would have been in her situation. Moriarty is very good at that sort of thing, and fabricating evidence to support his story.
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