Every single element of getting hired somewhere strikes me as bullshit. There's no room in this world for individuals...everywhere you go you'll be expected to fit some standard of conformity or another.
I cut off my mohawk and dressed up for 3 library interviews, but it wasn't enough. Today I applied at an art supply store and they looked at me like I was too conservatively dressed. Either way I go, my superficial appearance will be what people respond to, and they always seem to misread it.
The Conspiracy of normality...
"Normality..." what a joke! It's like a spandex swimsuit at a store for "Big and Tall" men in denial. None of us fits it, but everyone on the "sales force" will try to pretend it doesn't look like shit while they force you to try it on. But since nobody else has been dumb enough to buy it after they tried it on, all the accumulated stains of shit will rub off on your sweaty ass, leaving you with a painful rash.