Oh yeah, I forgot the shitty parts of running a webpage!
You put up your webpage, you come up with a semi-acceptable article, you're happy, people enjoy it. You're not making any money or anything, but you get the satisfaction that people are enjoying something that you are doing, and isn't that more valuable than money? Well aside from the whole not being able to support yourself solely on love and affection and a bunch of like-minded nerds giggling at your word choices, but who needs financial stability anyway?!?!? Then you're stuck. You could develop the previous idea further, but you risk running it into the wall, and honestly, what more is there to say? You could resort to the old standbys for article material, but you're pretty bored of doing that. You watch and wait and hope for something coming down the line to pique your attention, you're really wanting to put something else up to make people pay attention to your website again as they're all moving on, you're still not making money off of it, and no one should reasonably expect you to update on a regular basis for nothing but DREAM and FRIENDS. Nevertheless there's still the compulsion HEY HEY C'MON LOOK AT ME GUYS I'M DOING A LITTLE DANCE OVER HERE AREN'T I AWESOME.
So you finally come up with a semi-decent idea. Unfortunately that idea involves putting yourself through something wholly unenjoyable, just so you can write a dumb article with retarded jokes and have some people think it's pretty good and then immediately forget about it.
I'm talking about playing Tsukihime.
It sucks less with the soundtrack replaced with Judas Priest songs. It is still fucking unbearably boring.