I've been thinking about a new phone for a few weeks, having realised that my n900 was having charging issues. They came to a head on Friday night when he was unable to charge. I removed the cable, and the usb socket came away with it. So that's that for Mo. I cried a little: I know he was only a piece of technology, but Mo introduced me to so many
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Comments 15
On the what's next front: it's a tool, not a romantic partner. Figure out what you are going to use it for, and choose the device that does that best.
As for the phone, I assure you I'm even choosier about romantic partners. ;-)
I too wish it had a sd card, and I have occasionally found myself wishing for some apps on my N900 that people would show me on their androids or iphones. (and I expect that to continue.)
Now that I have the N9, it is pretty. swype is pretty neat, and I'm hoping that Mer or Cannonical will succeed on getting another actual debian-like OS shipped on a handset.
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