Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Where did you first meet
_its_pat? school
2) What flavor of jello would
that_fool be? lime
3) Where was
skeletonjackm born? DC
4) If
ianuam had a superpower, what would it be? telekenesis
supaphil's hair color? black
6) When did you last call
downonfullerton? before prom
7) What would you do if
bleskimo06 died? be sad
8) Does
jefft86 have a big secret? uh huh
9) What rank would
ljstalker2 have in a giant robot army? Private first class
10) Is
natus_ecclesiae a high school student? nope college baby
11) What is
lilmissmaniac18's favorite color? how the fuck should i know
12) What exotic animal would
ljstalker2 like as a pet? monkey
13) Where was
bleskimo06 born? DC
14) Where would
natus_ecclesiae most like to visit? Rome
15) Would you ever date
lilmissmaniac18? um don't think that would work out
16) How long have you known
lilmissmaniac18? met at summer camp
17) Is
mollsters13 related to you? no
18) What is
saasphil's favorite food? chipotle?
19) What is
downonfullerton's favorite game? hockey
20) What would
gnitseretin think of
mollsters13? i think it'd be funny but wouldn't work
21) Is
paccman05 friends with
wooben? actually yes
22) Does
hobo_pope smoke? depends what you mean probably weed
23) Is
matt_splat a college student? yup
24) Has
natus_ecclesiae dyed their hair? haha no
25) What is
that_fool's shoe size? why would anyone know that about anyone
26) Is
mollsters13 dead sexy? i don't think sexy's the right word very pretty yes
27) What color should
skeletonjackm dye their hair? he shouldn't
28) Are
ljstalker2 and
skeletonjackm going out? oh i think we all knwo they are they may not want to admit it but we all know
29) If
lilmissmaniac18 and
6lash were spliced together, what would be its name? carolicia
30) Would
hobo_pope be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
31) Does
ragamuffinduck have a dog? i don't think so
32) What animal should
that_fool be combined with? goat
33) Is
saasphil a nerd? yup but we still love him
34) One quality you find attractive in
6lash? besdies her body?
35) If
lilmissmaniac18 took over the world, who would be happy? um i suppose people she likes
36) Is
cbonilla related to
supaphil? no
37) Thoughts on
downonfullerton? oh don't get me started. most of them are probably unfair and untrue but... they're still how i feel and it's not going to change but she might randomly read this and i really don't reel like rnating right now
38) What would
_its_pat give
ljstalker2 for his/her birthday? probably a gift card
39) If
mollsters13 and
_its_pat were siamese twins, where would they be joined? hip
40) Does
jefft86 know
mollsters13? yes
41) What do you disagree with
supaphil about? a lot movies, how he deals with people sometimes, baseball
42) Have you flirted with
cbonilla? um i don't know proably without know it
43) What would
skeletonjackm do differently in your shoes? trip alot cause my feet are alot bigger
44) What comic book character would
point_nod_wow be? Drunk Boy
45) Would
hobo_pope and
gnitseretin make a good couple? haha actually there's some possibility there
46) What animal does
gnitseretin remind you of? a depressed panda
47) What song/movie would you recommend to
natus_ecclesiae? soem catholic hymm
48) Do you think
ragamuffinduck is hot? yeah
49) If
jefft86 and
ljstalker2 were spliced together, what would it be like? really really biopolar
50) Would
paccman05 and
ljstalker2 look good together? not particualrly
51) How many monkeys could
jefft86 fight at once and win against? 17
52) Did
6lash break up with you? no i never had the pleasure of dating her
53) Would you set up
bleskimo06 and
lilmissmaniac18? no that'd be too much effort for something that wouldn't work
54) What video game does
saasphil remind you of? whack a mole
55) Is
cbonilla single? i believe so
56) Would you make out with
cbonilla? awkward question seeing as she'll read this. um sure
57) What planet should
cbonilla be from? well women are supposedly from venus
58) How tall is
_its_pat? shorter than me that's all that matters
59) If
saasphil were hanging off a cliff, what would
skeletonjackm do? save him
60) Is
jefft86 in a relationship? i think so
61) How would
ljstalker2 conquer the world? throught the miscevious powers of evil mr. chubs
62) Which of your friends should
hobo_pope go out with? i don't know
63) Would you wrestle
lilmissmaniac18 in jello? that'd be weird as crap
64) Have you ever dated
6lash? no
65) What is
ljstalker2's favorite band/artist? ooh i used to know this i can't remeber
66) One thing you can't stand about
cbonilla? i really have no qulams about charlotte
67) Do
wooben and
saasphil go to the same school? not anymore
68) Does
hobo_pope go to your school? we went to school together in the past
69) Does
supaphil travel a lot? not that often
70) Could you see
bleskimo06 and
skeletonjackm together? no
71) Is
wooben 1337? no but he is someone who would say 1337
72) Has
downonfullerton been to your house/dorm? yes she has
73) Do you have a crush on
paccman05? no i did briefly
74) What mental disorder does
mollsters13 remind you of? alcoholism
75) How long would
6lash dating
supaphil last? they would never date so 0
76) If
matt_splat commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? drunken fratt kids
77) Which president would
wooben be likely to idolize? eisenhower
78) Is
bleskimo06 introverted or extroverted? extroverted
79) Are
6lash and
matt_splat going steady? no
80) If
that_fool took over the world, who would suffer? everyone
81) Does
matt_splat drink? yeah alot
82) What is
downonfullerton's biggest flaw? oh there are alot how to choose
83) Is
paccman05 an emo? no
84) What is
hobo_pope allergic to? i don't know
85) What languages does
saasphil speak? english a little french mabye a little italian
86) Is
gnitseretin athletic? he's ok at soccer
87) How would
matt_splat kill
bleskimo06? in a drunken rage
88) Would
paccman05 go out with
that_fool? hah no
89) Do you have
ragamuffinduck's screenname? yes
90) Are
wooben and
cbonilla married? no
91) Is
that_fool popular? not to my knowledge
92) Does
matt_splat have a crush on
downonfullerton? i sure hope not
93) Does
lilmissmaniac18 do drugs? no
94) If
gnitseretin was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? every school he's ever gone to
95) What is
ragamuffinduck's favorite movie? life is beautiful is a good guess
96) What do you agree with
ianuam about? all the stuff we don't disagree about
97) Is
paccman05 your best friend? no
supaphil's eye color? brown?
99) What would you do if you found out
downonfullerton has a crush on you? haha funny you should ask apparently i'd ask her to fly from boston to Dc to go to my prom. but if she really had a crush on me she sure had a funny way of showing it.
100) What word best describes
mollsters13? chill