well, if you ever need someplace to go, apparently chicago is it. every one I have met here has run here, away from something else. I did it, my friend from NH is coming to move in with me in a few months now that she's alone and has no idea what to do. so, if you do happen to find yourself in such a situation, I'm always here for you, and the big ol' city of chicago has big open arms for wanderers such as ourselves :)
sounds similar to the situation i had with josh. we were together for years and had sort of just settled into our relationship. we turned into roomates over time without even realizing it. and it got to the point where i wasnt happy but was afraid to break up because we lived together and it was safe, etc etc etc. so we talked and cried and eventually broke up but still lived together. and it was hard and i still cry about it now sometimes and wonder if i did the right thing... but we are still friends now and we've both been able to grow a lot afterwards.
call me anytime you want/need to talk. i can't tell you what to do, but i can listen and show you pictures of cute baby animals or something.
Do you feel tied to life where you are? If you like it there, maybe there's a friend one of you could stay with for a little while and try to sort your heads out? Are you doing school out that way?
Or, if you're feeling like you need a change--hey, there's a world out here. It's sometimes hard and scary, but you've got a way of making friends wherever you go.
Comments 4
I miss you, baby!! all my loves!
call me anytime you want/need to talk. i can't tell you what to do, but i can listen and show you pictures of cute baby animals or something.
Or, if you're feeling like you need a change--hey, there's a world out here. It's sometimes hard and scary, but you've got a way of making friends wherever you go.
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