Absolute Threshold Application

Jan 23, 2011 16:46

⌦ the basics
▐ OVER 18? Yes
▐ PERSONAL LJ lineandcolor
▐ EMAIL/IM goofytastic@hotmail.com/LineandColor

჻ CANON SERIES Final Fantasy XII
჻ TIMELINE Post-FFXII, on his way to the Glabados Ruins

⌦ the details
    ჻ PERSONALITY: When we first see Vaan, he is merely a lowly thief hunting rats in a sewer, earning the name Vaan Ratsbane. Good thing that isn’t his actual last name. Regardless, despite that fact that he has quick fingers and is self-taught with a sword (with a little help from his brother, no doubt), he didn’t desire to continue living like this. No, Vaan’s greatest desire is to be a sky pirate. Sure, he’d still be a thief, but he would get to travel the world, free as a bird. Literally. All he needed was an airship. But he couldn’t do it, not first, when Archadia was baring down Dalmasca. But still, despite all that, he did whatever it took to try and get out there. Even going as far as to sneaking into the castle one fateful day and stealing the Goddess Magicite.

    Having had a rough life, Vaan is no stranger the works on war and what it has on people’s hearts, including his own. Despite that, however, his journey throughout the Final Fantasy XII game had changed him quite a bit from the rash, young child he was who fought rats in the sewers. A bit tactless at times (he once asked Fran for her age, just out a sheer curiosity. Clearly, no one told him that it is a universal rule that you never ask a woman her age) and sometimes rash, eager to jump into things before thinking things through, he is also a surprisingly insightful individual. Yes, insightful. There have been multiple instances where can and will accurately guess how someone is feeling or work through his own feelings and come up with a solution that benefits everyone.

    Growing up as an orphan for a better part of his life, along with his brother dying two years prior to the game’s events, Vaan had developed a protective streak that extends to anyone he cares about, however to be part of that group he needs to have your trust and that isn’t so easy to come by these days. Being on the streets taught him that not everyone can be trusted. And those who already have his trust? They are the lucky ones. Despite being one of the youngest of his friends, he has that protective streak that will make him want to protect his friends no matter what.

    By the end of the game, he had matured quite a bit. Still a bit rash and reckless (but isn’t that how all sky pirates are?) Vaan had matured from his vengeful, somewhat angstful state once he realizes that while the past cannot be changed, the future can be. He may not know what the future holds, but he likes it better that way. Arrogant, maybe, but isn’t that a quality that seemingly draws those around him to him? Only Vaan could make arrogance seem endearing. A quick learner and an apt pilot, Vaan lives his life as if every day was an adventure, and that’s just how he likes it. After all, don’t all sky pirates live like that? Vaan certainly thought so. And that’s how he looked at life as he began to live his dream, once the war was over.

⌦ nuadoria specific
▐ WHAT ARE THEY BRINGING TO NUADORIA?: ALL OF HIS WEAPONS. No, I'm kidding.He'll have his sword (which one I haven't decided :|a) and that's it.
▐ WHAT IS THEIR GESTALT?: His gestalt will be a horse that looks like this, only minus the lightning. When it goes into its attack form, it'll become this, a Firemane.
▐ HOW WILL THIS CHARACTER FIT INTO THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE GAME?: Vaan has an amazing ability to adapt to new things. While this is a pretty big necessity to be a Sky Pirate anyway, it definitely helps for being in a place like this. Vaan had to go through losing his parents, then losing Penelo's parents, then losing his brother, then getting caught up in a war and politics much bigger than he thought possible and was able to do all this with the most unlikely of people. He adapts to all the situations pretty well, if a bit with his youthful exuberance. He learns fairly quick and suffers more from trial and error than simply being told how to do something though he will ask questions when the situation calls for it. He's also pretty good at making friends so he'll definitely be a good helper in this place (though I wouldn't count on him to not steal few things either >>;) for any new people that show up.

⌦ samples
      ➊ (third person sample) - Due to my not being in the game anymore, I can't link the third person sample (they screen apps for characters not in the game) but I do have a copy of it:

      This world was so weird and yet exciting, Vaan had come to realize as he continued to look at its maps and see the people. This place had Mist, just like Ivalice, but the inhabitants were very different besides the humes. There were no Viera or Seeqs but they had Moogles. But even the moogles looked different! Nonetheless, Vaan couldn’t get enough of it. A whole new world to explore and it was his for the taking!

      Of course, this also meant he needed to find a way to get an airship of his own again, so he could travel. It kind of sucked that he didn’t get to keep his airship with him. He could have sworn he had been in it before he suddenly being dropped here. Without it, he needed to find another means. But that wasn’t going to stop him.

      “Hm, maybe I could get a chocobo or something,” Vaan mused, walking down the streets of Lindblum. “But that would cost a lot to rent and I don’t have anything on… me…”

      His voice had trailed off when he spotted some people who were very obviously rich. Sure, he hadn’t really pick-pocketed in a couple months since Dalmasca was returned but his fingers itched to do so again. He was a sky pirate after all, and ultimately, a thief. Vaan looked around. Penelo wasn’t around either (that girl could be a ninja sometimes, always coming out of no where!).


      ➀ (first person sample) - Same as above:

      [E-mail to Penelo]

      Hey Penelo! I know you said you wanted to meet me right away and all, but I found a bounty for some monsters and hey, we’re running low on cash, right? I know you’ve been all worried about me since I arrived but honest, I’m fine!

      It’ll only take a couple hours, promise and then you and I can hang out like I said we would. And no, Penelo, I don’t want you following me out here like you did last time. C’mon, you know I’ll be careful. Really!

      I’ll see you soon, Penelo!

      ➋ (third/first person sample): Again, same as above (sob, why do I pick places that screen?):

      Okay, here’s the deal.

      Name’s Vaan, I’m a Sky Pirate and I got a partner named Penelo. I don’t know where we are and right now, I don’t really care. I just want to find Penelo and my airship. So if anyone can tell me if they’ve seen a blond girl, about eighteen, dressed in red, please lemme know.

      Oh! And we were on our way to meet Balthier and his partner, Fran, if you’ve seen ‘em, that’d be great! No doubt, Pen’s with ‘em... They’re pretty hard to miss, Fran’s got ears of a rabbit and Balthier is always near her.

      Got it? Good, thanks.

application, !ooc

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