Title: Omega [2/2]
revengeandpietyPairing: Ray/Frank
Rating: R
POV: Third; Frank centered
Summary: Frank and Ray deal with tragedy.
Disclaimer: I make love to don’t own the MCR boys.
Author Note : Completely for Sika -
mrshcaulfield because she can always make me smile, no matter what. You rock, kmao. Thanks to my beta
Alpha (
Omega )
Comments 33
I... It's... You... I worship you, even if I am still clinging to my chair.
I kinda knew all alone that they wouldn't make it, but I still had some sort of hope - up until Heather that is. It was just down hill from then.
Ray leans down, cupping Frankie’s face in his hands and kisses him desperately. Slowly, their tongues curl around the other and it’s soft but powerful. When Ray pulls away, Frank’s eyes are shining and his breath is shallow - That better not have been a good-bye kiss
I bit my finger while reading that just so I couldn't cry out. I managed to just whimper, which I'm fairly proud of.
Dammit, this was just so amazing! I feel like re-reading it, but I have to go shower and then go to bed.
Thank you for writing something different. I needed that!
Aw, you make me really happy!! And you're comment is really nice! Ahh, yeah that kiss kinda killed me a little to write that.
Haha we never really know whether or not Frank makes it, but basically his spirit died when they took Ray away.
It was sad to write, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Even though I'm a total fluff addict, I thought some tragedy would be a good change.
I can't believe you killed Ray. It keeps dawning on me and making me sad. Ray's so cute and cuddly. He's not suppose to die. He's suppose to be there and hold Frank's hand and... and... and be Ray-ish.
I'm as much as an angst addict as I am a fluff addict. Actually, I just think I'm a MCR slash addict.
I had too.
It was based on this dream I had, but in the dream Ray lived. But, well, I had to axe our favorite cutie guitarist. *Pets Ray*
I could imagine it all perfectly and I think I might have nightmares D: It was great though. Fantastic, as everything else you write.
BTW, I added you as a friend on lj :]
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