Jun 18, 2009 23:45
There's something odd about this month. First we had that ominous meteor shower, and now another kind of... impact. I could've sworn it was close to here - I heard it, but didn't see it - but the City was as ever when I went out earlier. Does anyone know what to do against the tearing up effect of... whatever is in the air now? Smells horrible. Anyway, then the random curse weekend was one week off, and people also seem to be getting sick.
That meteor shower was an omen after all. Is that all there is to it, or do we have to fear worse?
... well.
Deities. You know what? If you think you can scare me into submission to feed your precious clock or whatever, you've got another thing coming.
And I'm going to protect my friends as much as I can, too.
[private to Ryōga || viewable by Umi || unhackable]
So... Umi found out what her memory loss was all about.
curse day (affected),
determination i has it,
eff the deities,
city i hate you