Jan 22, 2009 03:09
Yesterday's curse was interesting, I think - a lot of different worlds and concepts to read about. It gives one a greater idea about the broad range of people and cultures this City is made up of, and that's a most fascinating thing. Still, the fact remains is that most people were forced by the curse.
It put me in mind of my own home - more than usually, I mean. I think about it everyday, anyway. Can't not.
It also made me aware that I've been here for over a month. That's twice as long as he's been in that prison. This isn't right. I can't just - Riou-san, when's that group attempt you spoke of?
However, this being the second curse that makes us speak of our home or aspects thereof in a month, it begs the question why this is happening. One would think that if the City wants to keep us here, it would not actively keep our memories so fresh. Yet, of course, I've read of the theory that as long as one wants to go home, they will stay.
... wasn't there also a theory that the City feeds off of misery? That makes it sound oddly like a living thing.
Then, those damned decrees. Now they want us to make someone cry. I've about had it with this!
[Long-suffering sigh.]
Well, not much choice if we want to keep our deities happy, right? And, hehe, no one said we can't get a little creative with this, sooo...
Tomorrow's. Dinner. Will involve ONIONS.
If you catch my drift. Ryōga-san can come, too.
[filtered from known deities (Mouse, Sabine, Virginia) || hackable]
There's something I've been wondering about... does anyone know something specific about the Deity Office?
And what about their "superiors"?
(OOC: Interrupting the hiatus to get all srs bsns. What.)
i has a plaaan,
determination i has it,
she means business,
city i hate you