-Song Airlines utilizes a Barry White sound-alike recording to deliver the pre-flight safety instructions while smooove R&B plays. Awww yeah
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Argh! Now I picture a soft-focus shot of hands slowly and lovingly buckling a seatbelt low and tight in the lap while the background music croons, "Let's get it on.... le-et's get it on..."
Hello! Thank you muchly for burning those House DVDs. I was wondering where you'd like me to send my address? I thought amalthya would probably appreciate it if we quit spamming her comment thread. Anyway, although I doubt any internet stalkers could reach me in Japan, I'd just as soon not post my address in a public place. You can email me at MissHolidayGolightly AT gmail DOT com if you'd rather not leave your email address here.
Comments 6
Katy says they let the stewards give the safety speech however they want; the guy on her flight did it in the style of Hannibal Lector.
Thank you again!
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