01. Posts are members only. To view previous posts, please join the community.
02. Newest posts are public; however, will become members only in two days.
03. Do not hotlink/steal/claim/alter anything.
04. Comment. Credit
05. Textless icons & other graphics are NOT bases.
06. Join/Watch
REVERIEVISITOR for future & past posts.
Frequently Asked Questions:
01. Can I take and upload your icons for my personal use?
Yes, that is what they are posted for!
02. Can I nominate your icons at any icon awards communities?
Yeah, definitely! Let me know if you do!
03. Can I edit your icons?
No, please don't. Sometimes if it is a minor change, just ask me and I might alter it myself.
04. Crediting? What is it? Why?
If you check the images I have above that show you how to upload icons, it also shows you how to credit. In each of my posts, I ask for you to credit
timeless_x_love @
reverievisitor. This in not to claim personal ownership over the image used or otherwise. I simply request this so that other Live Journal users can find their way to my graphics.
05. Do you take requests?
Not generally. Every once in a while I get bored and make posts asking if anyone has any requests. If you really want something, keep an eye out for them!
06. Can I affiliate with
Yes! Feel free to comment in
this post! It may take a while for me to respond to the comments, but you will be added eventually!
07. How long do you keep your post open to the public?
Two Days. After two days, it will be members only.