{ filtered; kisuke; }So 'bout that toilet you fell in, I've got a few questions. Startin' with, is it really that fascinatin' at the bottom? Have you found the holy grail down there? Or maybe even a way outta here?
I dunno, I ain't tryin' to cramp your style, but gettin' some sun every once in a while might be a good thing. Your eyes might sting, and yeah, by now I 'spect you might look a little like Gollum too, but I'm sure you've got the means to fix that. Somehow.
{ filtered; kisuke; }
{ filtered; bleach crew; }Everythin' cool with bruiser chick or what?
{ filtered; bleach crew; }
I ain't got nothin'. I'm only sayin' so 'cause this thing keeps turnin' on when I don't mean for it to anyway. This network device's like the first gen iPod, most specifically in that it's got a lotta problems.
The soberin' difference here is that the iPod was fixed.