Review for star_of_my_own

Nov 24, 2004 18:57

Disclaimer: This is another journal which wasn't marked "friends only" but whose owner did not respond to my inquiry regarding adding me so that I could do a full review. I did the best I could with what I could see.

Main Categories: 14/50

Sub Categories: 22/50

Total: 36/100

Intelligence: star_of_my_own doesn't display much intelligence in her journal. The entries are shallow and almost vapid --- how much she drank, where she went, who she's in love with, various defects of her body, what she ate, why other people are lame. One or two of the entries (ironically, those in which she is breaking down) give brief insight into a deeper character and those are the most interesting in the journal. I was hard pressed to finish this one. She writes as though she has an audience but the material wouldn't be interesting to anyone outside her peer group.


Emotional Value: The few insightful entries she wrote do invoke an emotional response because I can remember what it felt like to be trying so hard to be acceptable within the peer group but not at all pleased with one's looks. However, there really aren't enough of these entries for me to make an emotional connection with the writer. She does post her mood most of the time and often it corresponds with the contents of the entry. She talks a lot about what she wants and what other people do who irritate her but she doesn't explore how she feels in more than two entries of the fifty or so I read. These two show a great deal of depth and the potential for intelligence but she doesn't follow through.


Creativity: The journal uses standard style but has a highly customized background. The title of the journal has been customized and so have the colors for the text boxes but not much else has. She has one or two poems which she apparently composed in her journal which indicates she's capable of some creativity. The few samples I saw were well written and addressed a commonplace theme without using cliches. If the journal has a theme, I can't figure it out. The user icons are a mish-mash which apparently have no connection to the background photo used for the journal.2


Individuality: The personality is consistent, but there's nothing unique about it. It's just your typical teen/young adult journal talking about who dates who, how much this or that sucks, her looks, and trivialties. The most original thing about the journal was the poem I came across. Unfortunately, there's little evidence of the individual who wrote that poem in the journal elsewhere.


Courtesy and Grammar: This journal is full of quizzes and she doesn't use cut tags except when she's posting pictures or she's posting something she doesn't want everyone to see right away. The subject is often missing from entries or makes no sense. The entries are riddled with slang, poor grammar, incorrect word usage, punctuation errors, and failure to capitalize the beginnings of sentences or names. Sometimes the sentences ran on for paragraphs without capitalizing words or using periods. It made the journal difficult to read.


Bio: The biography is almost nonexistent and tells nothing about her. It is, however, typical for the content of the journal. She has a flashing banner which is apparently an ad for a music web site and three adopted fetus images. This isn't a journal I would read based upon the biography page.


User Pics: This is a paid account and she has fifteen user pictures, which is the maximum allowed for the account. They don't appear to have any connection to the journal design and many of them are copyrighted images.


Contactability: She lists an e-mail address and an IM alias. Comments are enabled. She doesn't list a web site here but she does mention one in a recent entry.


Impression: star_of_my_own gives the impression of a young, immature individual still trying to find and define her identity. Her focus right now is so much on herself that she seems oblivious to others unless they're to blame for her issues. She's someone I'd keep my distance from.


Sense of Humor (Humour): The journal is neither entertaining nor humorous. In some of the entries she seems to be laughing at something but I couldn't see what was funny. If there's humor here, it's not apparent to a casual observer.


Style: Entries are disjointed and jump all over the place. The most coherent and consistent entries, ironically, are the ones in which she's extremely upset and trying to work out her feelings.


Openness: The journal wasn't friends only but I don't think there's a lot of openness here. She puts things she wants to protect like pictures of herself and her poetry behind cuts. The overall impression is of someone trying to keep up the front she thinks everyone else wants to see but occasionally it cracks.


Quantity: She used to post more often but now she posts sporadically. On a good month, you might see six entries from her. The entries are of adequate length and some of them explain the absences.


Live Journal Involvement: She has a paid account. She lists one hundred and seven interests and twenty-eight friends. She belongs to seven communities but none of them are LiveJournal related and she's not a moderator. She has received 776 comments and has posted 1128 comments.


Bonus: Points given for potential age gap bias.


0-19 Worst Journal Ever
20-29 Horrible
30-39 Really Awful
40-49 Awful
50-59 Not Too Good
60-65 So So
66-75 Average
76-80 Cool
81-84 Good
85-89 Very Good
90-94 Excellent
95-99 Elite
100 Extremely Elite (Perfect)
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