My Review for barbalootlola

Nov 27, 2004 18:35

0-19 Worst Journal Ever
20-29 Horrible
30-39 Really Awful
40-49 Awful
50-59 Not Too Good
60-65 So So
66-75 Average
76-80 Cool
81-84 Good
85-89 Very Good
90-94 Excellent
95-99 Elite
100 Extremely Elite (Perfect)

Main: 25
Sub Categories: 36
Total: 61

Main: Worth 10 points each

Intelligence: Does the person show intelligence in their entries? Does the entries intrigue you wanting to read more? Are the entries insightful? Are the entries interesting?
barbalootlola has a very strong vocabulary, a writing style that is lively and energetic. Her intended audience seems to be her peers who already know her well. Her journal is mostly a diary of day-to-day events and snapshot photographs, and while it does hint at a person with great ability, this livejournal is not a showcase of that ability. A few posts went somewhat deeper (one was a call to political action) but were not particularly incisive. 7

Emotional Value: Does the person's entries touch you on an emotional level? Does the person post their mood and the entry corresponds with that? Does the person write about their thoughts and feelings regularly? Does the entries exhibit depth?
barbalootlola can be quite funny, and while reviewing two entries I laughed. She does write occasionally about her darker moods, and one recent post analysed why she felt she is not trusting, and another memorable one dealt with being jilted on her birthday by friends. Having said that, her journal is not particularly expressive; again it is mostly a catalogue of the day's events. 6

Creativity: Is the journal customized? Do the colors look well together? Do they put any exhibit creativity in their entries? Do the user icons, comment links, background work well with the layout? Does the journal have a theme?
The layout is bright pink and orange and white, with black, red and blue text. It's nice and co-ordinated but really irritating to spend any time looking at. I gave up and switched to reading in comments view. The title was interesting.4

Individuality: Is there something about the journal that is unique? Does the person present a personality about them that is consistent?
This journal is like many, many other livejournals out there: a place where someone unleashes some basic thoughts on the day's events for comment from friends. The main difference here is that this is a smart person's riff on that theme. 4

Courtesy and Grammar: Do they use lj-cut on quizzes, surveys, song lyrics, long entries? So they provide a subject? Do they reply to their comments? Do they spell well? Do they type in a way that isn't annoying? (examples that are considered annoying: too much "lmao" "omg" "lol" "cuz" "2 for to" 4 for for" ect, typing LiKe ThIs, using CAPS) Do they not make other grammatical errors?
There are not too many memes or much "filler" on barbalootlola's journal. She has a thorough command of English grammar: commas appear where one expects to see commas, colons and semicolons are employed, the sentence structure is varied. There's a tendency for run-on sentences that lead me to think most of these entries are first drafts that have been run through a spell check. Netspeak is used at times, but purposefully and with a sense of irony. All in all, this is a skillful writer turning out less than her full effort, perhaps because she's writing for an audience that is already well acquainted with her abilities. Subjects are occasionally given to entries, and lj-cuts are employed, but neither appear to be done consistently. All-caps are overused; it's done to be funny but ends up being irritating. 4

Sub Categories: Worth 5 points each

Bio: Does the bio give you a good idea of the person's personality? Is it interesting and creative? Does it make you want to read their journal?
The bio is short and to the point, but written in a humorous way. 2

User Pics: Do they have the amount allowed by their account type? Are they creative and interesting? Do they blend well with the journal? There are 14 icons, close to the maximum allowed by the paid account. They are a varied collection, and several are original and interesting. Unfortunately, the default icon of "Wayne's World" doesn't blend with the Livejournal itself. 3

Contactability: Email, IM, comments enabled, website?
An AOL instant messenger address is listed, as is a an email address. The website listed seems to be to a theatrical/musical event, and it's not clear what barbalootlola's involvement is with that website. 3

Impression: Does the person present a good impression?
I think barbalootlola is probably a very interesting person, but could go a long way further in exposing that potential to readers beyond her own social circle. 2

Sense of Humor (Humour): Basically are the entries amusing? Is the journal entertaining?
barbalootlola has a great sense of humour, and clearly is used to making her friends laugh. That said, a lot of things on this blog read like an inside joke, or are dependent upon some knowledge of the places and people involved. 4

Style: Is the writing style consistent? Does the entries flow well?
The writing style is not always consistent, but as I said it's normally lively and energetic. A little more time spent on being deliberate in grammar and exposition would be helpful. 3

Openness: Is the person open in their entries?
I asked to be added as a friend for the purpose of the review, and barbalootlola did this for me right away. Most of the non-public entries were to keep identifying information private. 5

Quantity: Do they post often but not overly much? Do they make long enough entries?
Not too frequent, not too long, not too short... Goldilocks would approve. So do I. 5

Live Journal Involvement: Do they have a paid or permanent account? Do they list interests and friends? Are they a member of and/or maintain any communities? Do they make use of comments (view FULL user info)? Are they a member of any LJ official communities? (ie: news, support, maintanence, lj_art, paidmembers... ect.)
This is a paid account. A wide variety of interests are listed, and some are quite arcane; barbalootlola has spent a lot of time on that. She's also a moderator of plyphonicspree and of u_of_edinburgh, credits her favourite icon designer, and mentions how she "spawned" the accounts of four other uses. 5

Bonus: Is there something else that you really do or don't like about this journal that isn't mentioned? Not coming up with either would be a result of 3 points.
barbalootlola over-uses profanity. I don't mind profanity, but when you say the same four letter word over and over it loses its punch. She's my own age, living abroad in Scotland for school, having a great time and seems like someone I'd enjoy having as a friend. I wish she'd do more than hint at her talent in her journal.4
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