Main Categories: 3/50
Sub Categories: 17/50
Total: 20/100
Intelligence: I read fifty entries back in
blake's journal in search of intelligence and all I got for my troubles was a headache. The journal is filled with banality, accounts of crude behavior, and pretentious commentary on others' beliefs which do not match is own. His commentary might be considered insightful if it didn't all end with some variant on, "It's not my fault, it's someone else's, everyone is against me". Some entries, such as his comments about clubbing and wearing a skirt, were mildly interesting but the rest of it is just sadly typical for the day and age.
Emotional Value: I couldn't connect with this person at all on any basic emotional level, forget about depth. Mild annoyance turned to disappointment and then to boredom as I read through the entries. He appears emotionally stunted as the only emotions I saw him express in his entries were physical horniness, pleasure at someone else's misfortune, and narcissism. The posted moods make absolutely no sense. He doesn't use icons and the words he uses are either slang or meaningless noise syllables.
Creativity: The journal uses a standard layout and colors with some customization of the links and sidebar. The color scheme and font are compatible and easy to read. He mentions in his entries that he's a member of a band, that he composes his own mixes, and that someone is interested in signing a record deal with him.
Individuality: The journal isn't unique and it's not even interesting enough to stand out. The behavior and commentary are simply typical for someone his age. I wouldn't be able to tell his journal from any of the other unremarkable journals written by people in the twenty-something range. He's created for himself a tough asshole Emo/Indie image which sadly does remain consistent throughout the entries.
Courtesy and Grammar: I will say this: he doesn't write long entries and the few I found were politely placed behind a cut tag. However, the grammar, spelling, and punctuation are atrocious. Simply put: there isn't any. He uses Indie and emo slang until the entries are nearly incoherent as well as a proliferation of AOL-based internet slang. What little meaning might be taken from the remaining jumble of words has been leached out by overuse of obscenities. Reading these entries was annoying and it gave me a monster headache.
Bio: The bio does give a good idea of the person's personality and it's a bit interesting as it's in multicolored fonts, humorously written, and in survey form. Unfortunately, it doesn't make me want to read the journal at all. I can't stand shallow people.
User Pics: He has six user pics which is the maximum allowed for this account type. They blend better with the personality expressed in the journal than with the generic layout as most of them have to do with raving or some type of personal portrait. Two of them don't make any sense at all either in reference to the journal user or the layout.
Contactability: He lists an AOL alias and comments are enabled. He doesn't have a web site or e-mail address listed.
blake doesn't present a good impression to me at all. It's not the emo/goth/Indie image which bothers me, as I've plenty of other friends who participate in those subcultures. It's his outright disregard for anyone else's thoughts or feelings and his need to be as offensive as possible which get under my skin. If I met him personally, I'd steer clear.
Sense of Humor: He makes some attempt at humor but most of what he perceives as humor would be thought of by most others as laughter at someone else's expense. He seems to delight in picking apart other people for his own amusement. Sarcasm can be humor if used correctly but he hasn't got a clue about the difference. I didn't find the entries funny.
Style: The writing style isn't consistent. Earlier entries show some basic understanding of courteous grammar and spelling. They're coherent enough to be considered nearly normal, if boring. Most entries are disjointed and difficult to follow because of the lack of grammar and punctuation.
Openness: He doesn't seem to care what others think but he doesn't talk about a whole lot outside the emo/indie/hardcore scene either.
Quantity: The journal hasn't been posted in since early November. For the three months prior to that, he posted no more than three entries in any given month. Earlier months are somewhat less sporadic but it doesn't look like he's ever used the account regularly. Entries are short and insubstantial, typically no more than a paragraph or two.
Live Journal Involvement: He has an early adopter account. He lists one hundred and fifty interests and seventy-three friends. He only belongs to two communities and he doesn't belong to any official LiveJournal communities at all. He has 1514 comments posted and 1925 received.
Bonus: I should get bonus points for wading through this one. I'll give him two points to make up for the fact that I really disliked this journal and couldn't give it a completely fair review.
0-19 Worst Journal Ever
20-29 Horrible
30-39 Really Awful
40-49 Awful
50-59 Not Too Good
60-65 So So
66-75 Average
76-80 Cool
81-84 Good
85-89 Very Good
90-94 Excellent
95-99 Elite
100 Extremely Elite (Perfect)