Title: (Currently title-less, HELP!!!!! XD)
Author/Penname: Kainasilverbane
Rating: PG-13 (for later chapters)
Chapters: Preface (WIP)
Pairings: None, Eriol centered
Summary: How did Eriol become the enigmatic character he is today? This is my take on what could have happened. Mild crossover with xxxholic
Warning, Notes: This is very much my
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Comments 4
As for title suggestions... maybe something like "Portrait of the Magician as a Young Man"? Yoinked from James Joyce. xD
It's hard to be especially grammatical since it's a piece written in the voice of a character.
*dives into more drawings of fake screenies* I should really track down some inking pens before I do more of these...*twitch...twitch* Nope...can't!! *already has one done and choosing another scene to cap*
I can't wait to see more!
And... I agree with Claire~! Eriol sounds light-hearted and sometimes tend to overcomplicate simple things as if to confuse people. It's really a charming start~♥
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