Player's Name: Karma
Player's Age: 19
Player's Journal:
khadajAIM: GoddessofSaturn
Character’s Name: Kadaj
Character’s Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Timeline: Post movie
What are they bringing to Nuadoria?: Kadaj will have his weapon, Souba with him. Other than that, he will have the cell phone he stole from the Turks.
Character’s Personality: Kadaj is a very unstable character. While he often gives the appearance of being calm and in control, if the right subjects are brought up he’ll often turn sadistic and lose all good judgment within a second. While he enjoys violence, he doesn't do it pointlessly. Or, at least that’s what he thinks. Despite being highly intelligent and wise in his own way, most of his knowledge comes from Sephiroth--or memories of him after being influenced by Jenova--and because of this he’s also extremely naïve in that his understanding of the world is very restricted.
Other than his insanity, one of Kadaj’s most outstanding features would be his determination. When it comes to his goals, Kadaj will go to any means necessary to reach them, ignoring his limits. In his mind he has no limits, and he’ll bring himself to the brink of destruction and a little past that just to prove he’s right/please someone.
Trust is an issue with Kadaj. He despises liars and being lied to--one of his many naïve traits--and while it seems it was always him who was meant to be the leader of the three SHM, he’d usually probably be too untrusting to act as anything else anyway. The only exception to this rule is Jenova. Despite being unreachable, she’s the center of his universe, his existence. He’s a blind follower and he’s used to her will guiding him.
Also, because Kadaj is a remnant of Sephiroth, he’ll often compare himself to the other and often has feelings of inadequacy due to that. Though in the end it only strengthens his drive to prove himself--not only to Jenova, but to everyone.
Kadaj possesses inhuman agility and speed, as well as strength since he was able to pose such a challenge to Cloud. He is able to wield his double bladed katana known as ‘Souba’ nearly flawlessly and lethally. Also, Kadaj possesses the unique ability to not only utilize materia, but actually absorb it into his body. He also managed to wake up the ‘Reunion instinct’ within those who hosted Jenova cells.
Those abilities aside, Kadaj also has a flair for public speaking. While he may need some form of socializing--though it’s more of a need to challenge authority than anything--he’s still the most independent out of the three as well as the most adept leader.
Due to how he was made, Kadaj is harmed by healing techniques meant to purge others of Geostigma. It reacts to his body in a similar way acid would to the normal person, only less gruesome.While Kadaj is often very perceptive to his surroundings, due to his obsessive and naïve nature, he’ll often miss the most obvious things.
Kadaj is very dedicated when it comes to what matters to him--his ‘Mother’--yet feels either apathy or distaste for anything else. Also, this drive to please Jenova can be very self-destructive on him, both to his sanity (which he is lacking, another weakness), and physical wellbeing. Certainly not weak, since Kadaj would do anything for her--he would die for her as well.
At some point in between the two years after Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth’s will refused to stay in the Lifestream. However, it turns out he was broken up into three remnants--spirits of Sephiroth’s will. Loz was the oldest and embodied his strength, Yazoo was the second oldest and his allure, and Kadaj was the youngest, representing Sephiroth’s cruelty.
Their purpose was to find the remains of Jenova and merge her cells with them, in order to bring back Sephiroth wholly.
Not only was there a new threat, but there was also a new disease to accompany it. Geostigma, or Star Scar Syndrome, is the body’s fatal way of fighting off Jenova cells, which it interprets as an intrusion to it’s natural current. Many who were injected with the virus’s cells before had contracted this disease, including Cloud.
Their story started when Tseng and Elena went to the Northern Crater to retrieve Jenova’s remains. Failing to recover what they had truly been seeking, they kept the two and tortured them in hopes of getting information on her location. However Vincent put an end to that, and so the three headed to Edge--a city built after Midgar was left in ruins. One of their next targets included Cloud, who they saw as their ‘traitorous brother’ due to the Jenova cells he possessed as well as his connection to Sephiroth.
While Yazoo and Loz attacked and questioned the blonde, Kadaj spoke on the phone (originally it belonged to either Tseng or Elena), with Reno and then Rufus. Afterwards, while Yazoo was busy with gathering the children who were victim to Geostigma, and Loz busy with Tifa and Marlene, Kadaj went to Healin Lodge to confront Rufus. It turned out even he had caught the disease. Along with that and his injuries from Weapon’s attack, Rufus had been reduced to spending time in a wheelchair, his body nearly completely obscured by a white cloth. Kadaj explained his purpose as a remnant and his drive to complete his ‘Reunion’, which would involve getting revenge on the Planet. With Sephiroth’s will and Geostigma, there was only one thing left to reach this: Jenova.
Each attempt to locate Jenova following this was a failed one, until finally her location was revealed after Kadaj summoned Bahamut-SIN on the people of Edge. He had truly been foolish, for the box holding Jenova’s head had been under the blanket concealing Rufus all along. It also seemed that the man wasn’t quite as weak as he had acted before, for he managed to walk toward the edge of the building they had met together on, and throw the box over the edge.
After losing it for a moment, Kadaj managed to finally recover what he had been searching for all this time. Unfortunately, Cloud had already defeated the Summon and was now making his way toward the remnant. Having Loz and Yazoo distract the blonde, Kadaj sped toward Sector 5 and to the church that Cloud had made his new home. This was when he saw his ‘Mother’ for the first time. In short, he didn’t take it very well, but there wasn’t much time to dwell on it seeing as Cloud had reached him. At first, Kadaj actually managed to put the fight in his favor--until someone else stepped least in a way. With Aerith’s ‘Great Gospel’, Cloud’s Geostigma was cured, however for Kadaj it did the exact opposite. Making an escape before he could be dealt any harmful damage, Kadaj left with Cloud to follow again.
While he had done a short duel with his so-called ‘Brother’ before, this was the first (and last) time Kadaj would get to fight the blonde. With his Geostigma cured, Cloud was more of an equal match of the remnant, and their fight ended with Kadaj hanging off the edge of a building, weaponless.
It was an act of desperation, but Kadaj succeeded in finally reaching his goal when he threw the box up toward Cloud, who on reflex used his sword to cut it in half. Kadaj jumped into the air and managed to grab the box, before falling as the alien cells met his own.
It was Sephiroth who Cloud fought afterwards, and who was taken care of again with Omnislash. Kadaj was the one left to die. At first he attempted to attack Cloud, but his strength failed him and he fell into the other’s arms, eyes staring upward as Aerith’s voice spoke to him.
Believing her to be his Mother, Kadaj was finally satisfied and allowed himself to be dissolved into the Lifestream.
Imagine his surprise and disappointment when he woke up, not with his Mother and siblings, but here.